A well known barrister and solicitor of Saskatoon is William Bowley
Hartie, who is a member of the firm of Kyle, Ferguson & Hartie, with
offices in the Canada building. He was born in Prince Edward Island,
in February, 1880, a son of James C. and Elizabeth M. (Morrow) Hartie,
the former a native of Nova Scotia and the latter of Prince Edward
Island. The father was a shoe merchant in Nova Scotia until 1892, when
he located in Regina. He continued in the shoe business there for some
time, approximately a year, and then engaged in ranching for six years.
At the termination of that time he removed to New Westminster, where
he resided until his death in 1918. Mrs. Hartie is still living in New
In the pursuit of his education William Bowley Hartie attended the
public schools of Nova Scotia until he was twelve years of age, when he
entered a college in New Westminster. He then took a course in Brandon
College and was graduated with the B. A. degree from the Manitoba
University in 1910. In that same year he came to Saskatoon and took up
the study of law with Borland & McIntyre. He was admitted to the bar
and practiced here one year, at the termination of which time he went to
Young, where he remained until the fall of 1922. He then returned to
Saskatchewan and formed a partnership with D. C. Kyle and G. A. Fergu-
son, under the name of Kyle, Ferguson & Hartie. All members of the
firm rank high at the provincial bar and they have an extensive
clientele, handling much important litigation before the courts.
In December, 1915, Mr. Hartie was married to Miss Jean Trotter, a
daughter of Alex Trotter, a native of the province of Ontario, who for the
past thirty-five years has been in the horse business and he is known
throughout the dominion as an importer of horses. His business is con-
ducted under the name of Trotter & Trotter and is one of the representa-
tive enterprises of Brandon. Mrs. Trotter died in 1891.
Since attaining his majority Mr. Hartie has given his political alleg-
iance to the Liberal party, having firm belief in the principles of that party
as factors in good government. For some time he was chairman of the
Liberal Association at Humboldt and was chairman of the Board of Trade
while a resident of Young. Along strictly professional lines Mr. Hartie
holds membership in the Canadian Bar Association, the Saskatchewan
Bar Association and the Saskatoon Bar Association. Fraternally he is
identified with the Masons. His religious faith is that of the Baptist
church, and socially he is connected with the Canadian Club. During the
Great war Mr. Hartie gave generously of his time and money in the fur-
therance of the government's interests. He was active in the promotion
of all Liberty Loan and Red Cross drives and other worthy causes. Since
taking up his residence in Saskatoon, Mr. Hartie has made many friends
and he has the confidence and esteem of all who know him.
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