Prominent among the energetic, enterprising and successful business
men of Saskatoon is Walter Harold Briggs, chartered accountant, with
offices in the Drinkle building. He was born at Windsor Mills, Quebec,
on the first of March, 1889, a son of Arthur Allen and Alice Harriett
(Mayou) Briggs, natives of England. His parents came to Canada about
1883 and located at Three Rivers, where the father engaged in the manu-
facture of paper. He later moved to Georgetown, where he was in the
same line of business, and subsequently went to Windsor Mills and be-
came associated with the Canada Paper Company. He was with the
Kinleith Paper Company at St. Catharines as superintendent for several
years and some years later accepted his present position with the hos-
pital at Weston, Ontario, where he has charge of the piggery and hennery.
Mrs. Briggs is also living. There were five children born to Mr. and
Mrs. Briggs, Edith, the youngest, dying in infancy. Walter Harold is
the youngest living. The other children are: Etheldreda, Alice Marjorie,
and Arthur Francis Mayou Briggs. Arthur Francis Mayou Briggs is a
Bachelor of Applied Science and is at present associated with the Volta
Manufacturing Company at Welland, Ontario, as draftsman.
In the pursuit of his education Walter Harold Briggs attended the
public schools of Windsor Mills and for some time was a student at a col-
lege in Richmond, Quebec. He likewise attended college in Montreal
a short time and then put his textbooks aside and entered the service
the Imperial Bank at St. Catharines. He resigned his position with
bank at the end of four years, because of failing health, and in 1911 re-
moved to Alberta and spent one year on a farm in that province. In the
fall of 1912 he came to Saskatoon and entered into partnership with
Thomas H. G. Strachan, who was later accidentally killed. Mr. Briggs
operated a farm one year and then accepted a position as an accountant
with Cruise & Tufts, barristers, with whom he remained until 1919, when
he entered the office of Victor J. Ferguson, extended mention of whom
is made elsewhere in this work. He received some valuable experience
while working for Mr. Ferguson and he passed his final examinations in
April of the year 1920. He immediately established an office on his own
account and has built up an extensive and important patronage. Subse-
quently Mr. Briggs took out an appointment as trustee in bankruptcy
and until the new laws came into force on October 1, 1923, he was the
only individual trustee in bankruptcy in the city.
On the 14th of December, 1915, Mr. Briggs was married to Miss Mar-
jorie Gordon Lofthouse, the only daughter of the Right Rev. J. Loft-
house, D. D., at that time bishop of Keewatin. To Mr. and Mrs. Briggs
two children were born; Arthur Loftouse, whose birth occurred on the
17th of December, 1916; and John Joseph Gordon, who was born on the
28th of November, 1918, and died on the 31st of December of the same
year. Mrs. Briggs passed away on the 5th of December, 1918, during the
influenza epidemic. Her death came as a severe shock to her family and
many friends in this city, for Mrs. Briggs was a woman of charming
and magnetic personality and was prominent in all church and social
Although devoting the greater part of his time and attention to his
business affairs, Mr. Briggs is ever ready to lend a helping hand in the up-
building of Saskatoon. He is an active member of the Dominion Institute
of Chartered Accountants and the Saskatchewan Institute of Chartered
Accountants, and of the Canadian Club and the Amateur Dramatic So-
ciety. His religious faith is that of the Church of England, being an
active member of Christ church, Saskatoon, and for the past few years
Mr. Briggs has been a delegate to the synod at Prince Albert. His business
associates find him energetic, determined and resourceful and his church
and social acquaintances place him high in their regard because of the
sterling traits of his manhood and citizenship.
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