The business affairs of Frederick George England are capably con-
ducted. Tireless energy, keen perception, honesty of purpose, a genius
for devising the right thing at the right time, joined to every-day common
sense, guided by resistless will power, are the chief characteristics of the
man. He is the oldest jeweler in Regina, having engaged in that line
of business here since 1900. He was born in Cobourg, Ontario, in 1880,
a son of John and Marcella (Precious) England, the former a native of
England and the latter of Cobourg, Ontario. The father received a lib-
eral college education and came to Ontario when a young man. In 1888
he moved to Regina and there followed his trade of baker and confec-
tioner for many years. Subsequently he removed to British Columbia,
where his death occurred. Mrs. England is residing in Vancouver. To
their union five children were born, three of whom are living, Frederick
George being the third in order of birth. Mrs. England is a consistent
member of the Church of England, as was her husband. He was also a
member of the Sons of England.
In the acquirement of his education Frederick George England attend-
ed the common schools of Regina and subsequently enrolled in the Collegi-
ate Institute. While attending school he served his apprenticeship at the
jewelry trade and upon the completion of his education he went into that
business himself. He was associated with one man for five years, at the
termination of which time he bought his interests, and has been con-
inuously in the jewelry business since 1900. Although Mr. England
devotes the greater part of his time to his duties at the store he has
other interests and is a director of the Saskatchewan Mortgage & Trust
Corporation, and a trustee of the England estates in British Columbia
and be owns considerable real estate in Regina and vicinity. He built
fine two-story brick building in 1905, which he occupies, it being an
leal place for the jewelry store. He has a beautiful home in this city.
In 1902 Mr. England was married to Miss Gertrude Mae Fried, a
native of Minneapolis, Minnesota, who received her education in the
chools there. Mr. and Mrs. England have six children: Gladys, in her
junior year at the Collegiate Institute; Bertha, a student in the Collegiate
Institute; Francis, attending the public schools; Lois and William, also
in school; and Jack, one and one-half years of age.
Mr. and Mrs. England are members of the Metropolitan Methodist
Church and are active in church circles. He has served as an usher in
the church and has been a member of the choir. Fraternally he is iden-
tified with the Knights of Pythias, in which order he is past chancellor
commander, and he also holds membership in the Sons of England, the
Ancient Order of United Workmen and the United Order of Canadians.
In his political views Mr. England is a Liberal and he maintains an
active interest in party affairs, and was a member of the city council
Dr several years. He is now a member of the Hospital Board, is chair-
man of the Street Railway Association and of the Cyclone Loan Associa-
tion. Socially he is identified with the Country Club and the Kiwanis
Club and he is a member of the executive committee of the latter organ-
ization. His hobby is municipal politics. In his younger days he was
very fond of outdoor sports and played hockey, football and baseball,
eing proficient in each of those games. Mr. England has gained wealth,
yet it was not alone the goal for which he was striving, and he belongs
to that class of representative Canadians who promote the general pros-
perity while advancing individual interests.
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