Dr. David Barnes, a well known dentist of Regina, was born near
Kansas City, Missouri, United States, on the 6th of August, 1887, a. son
of William F. and Florence (Taylor) Barnes. His mother was also born
in Missouri, while his father is a Kentuckian, his birthplace being near
Louisville. As a young man William Barnes went to Missouri to engage
in farming and there was married. He followed agricultural pursuits
all of his active life and continues to make his home in that state. He
is a loyal democrat in politics, belongs to the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, and with his wife is a consistent member of the Baptist church.
David Barnes is the second of the three children of William and Florence
Barnes, all of whom are boys. The oldest son, Elmer, operates a power
plant at Odessa, Missouri; the youngest son, Victor E., is also a dentist,
practicing at Assiniboia, Saskatchewan.
David Barnes was educated in the Warrensburg (Missoun) Teachers'
College and after his graduation from that institution he taught for two
years in Missouri and for a year in McAlester, Oklahoma. He left the
educational field to do shorthand and newspaper reporting and for a
number of years was engaged in journalistic work. He had five years
experience as a reporter on a Warrensburg paper while he was a student
and eventually was fortunate enough to get a place as a reporter on the
staff of the Kansas City Star, which he held for about a year. In 1910 he
began to study for the profession in which he is now engaged, entering
the Kansas City Dental College, from which he graduated at the comple-
tion of his course, three years later. The young dentist began to practice
in Calhoun, Missouri, where he remained for three years before coming
to Regina on the 1st of January, 1917. For two years after locating here
~ he was associatcd with Dr. Cowan in the latter's office, following which
he opened an office for himself in 1918. He now maintains offices at No.
1818 Scarth street and enjoys a good practice, having won the confidence
of hi~ patients and the respect of the other members of his profession.
Dr. Barnes was married in 1912 to Miss Ruby Fisher, who is one of
~Missuri's native daughters, and they have become the parents of two
children: Margaret, aged eight; and Robert, aged seven. Since coming
to Regina, Dr. Barnes has been welcomed into the social and fraternal
life of the city. He is past exalted ruler of the Regina Lodge of Elks,
a member of Banner Lodge, A. F. & A. M., the American Club and tile
Canadian Authors Association, while in connection with his professional
work he holds membership in the local dental society. Hunting and fish-
ing are favorites among his sports and since he has left literary work
as a means of earning a livelihood he has continued writing as a recrea-
tion. This not only provides him with an interesting avocation, but
brings the Doctor into touch with other literary people whose companion-
ship he finds most delightful and stimulating.
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