John William Redgwick of Melville is one of the most prominent men
in real estate circles in Saskatchewan today and has done perhaps as
much effective and useful work in colonization and development in the
province as any other individual. Through successive stages of progress
and advancement he has worked his way upward in the business, studying
conditions and making use of every opportunity, with the result that
farm lands have been better exploited than ever before and whole sec-
tions of the country have been built up and promoted. He is also engaged
in the general mercantile business.
John William Redgwick was born in Yorkshire, England, on the 28th
of June, 1872, a son of William and Mary (Fothergill) Redgwick, both of
whom are deceased. The father was a carpenter by trade and came to
Canada from his native land in 1881, working at his trade in Toronto
for one year. In 1883 he came west and located. in Winnipeg, where
he resided until the spring of 1884. In the spring of that year he came
with his family to the province of Saskatchewan, as members of the
Methodist colony, and acquired a homestead in the Pheasant Forks dis-
trict in April, 1884. He spent the remainder of his life on that homestead
and achieved success as an agriculturist, becoming a most highly re-
spected and esteemed citizen. Mr. Redgwick's death occurred at the age
of fifty-six years, and Mrs. Redgwick died in her seventy-seventh year.
In the acquirement of his early education John William Redgwick
attended the public schools of Toronto and Winnipeg, being but eight
years of age when his parents came to the Dominion. He remained on
the home farm until he was twenty-six years of age. In 1897, Mr. Redg-
wick, in association with a brother who is now deceased, wintered stock
in the Beaver Hill settlement. The following year he moved with the
family to Grenfell and in 1893 homesteaded in that district. He engaged
in agricultural pursuits there from 1890 to 1899 and in the latter year
became associated with the Hyde Trading Company. Subsequently he
again resumed farming near Grenfell until 1902, when he accepted a
position with the Grenfell Milling Company and opened a branch for
them at Neudorf, remaining in charge of the branch office from 1902 to
1905. For one year thereafter he was in, the general mercantile business
and in 1907 he came to Melville and erected the first building here. He
disposed of his mercantile interests in 1911. Since that time he has de-
voted his entire time and attention to the real estate business and is
readily conceded to be an authority on valuations of Saskatchewan's
lands. He is very careful in placing investments and thoroughly con-
scientious and reliable, and money intrusted to him is sure to receive a
safe return with the principal safely conserved. Mr. Redgwick is the
owner of considerable land at the present time and employs a foreman
who takes entire charge of the farms.
In 1904, Mr. Redgwick was married to Miss May Baines, a native of
Manchester, England, whose parents came to this country in 1904 and
settled at Crescent Lake in the early days, where they were prominent
citizens. To Mr. and Mrs. Redgwick four children have been born:
Evelyn May, Linda Grace, Olive Baines and Dorothy Mary Louise. The
religious faith of Mr. Redgwick is that of the Union Methodist church.
The first church of that denomination was organized in Melville in 1908
and Mr. Redgwick was a dominant factor in its organization. Although
the greater part of his time has been devoted to his business interests,
he is ever cognizant of the duties and responsibilities as well as the privi-
leges of good citizenship and he is never too busy to lend his aid in the
furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community. Mr
Redgwick was a member of the city council from 1912 to 1914.
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