EDWARD A. JOLLY. Edward A. Jolly Photograph Jolly's Drug Store
One of the most successful druggists throughout the Dominion is
Edward A. Jolly of Regina. He was born in Brantford, Ontario, on the
6th of December, 1879, a son of David and Sarah E. (Finch) Jolly; the
former a native of Quebec and the latter of Ontario. They were married
in the latter province. Mr. Jolly learned the cabinetmaker's trade in
early life and followed it successfully for many years. Later he engaged
in the fruit business, becoming connected with a fruit tree company.
He was past ninety years of age at the time of his death, in August, 1923.
Mrs. Jolly survives him. To their union five children were born, four
of whom are living, Edward A., whose name introduces this review, being
the third in order of birth. Mr. Jolly was a consistent member of the
Presbyterian church, as is his widow, and both have been active in re-
ligious circles. He was a Liberal in politics and a member of the Sons
of Scotland and of the Orangemen.
In the pursuit of his education Edward A. Jolly attended the Brant-
ford public and high schools and subsequently enrolled in the College of
Pharmacy at Toronto, from which institution he was graduated in 1901.
He opened a drug store at Burford, Ontario, which he operated eighteen
months and then went to Detroit, Michigan, United State of America,
where he worked for Parke Davis & Company for some time. He then be-
came associated with Andrew Jeffery of Toronto, in the prescription de-
partment, and in 1903 located in Port Arthur, where he worked in a
drug store one year. In January, 1905, he came to Regina and managed
a drug store until 1906, when he bought it and continued to operate it on
his own account. He was successful from the start and at one time had
five drug stores in this city, and ran three of them for four years. He now
has two drug stores in Regina. Some time ago he purchased a lot and
thereon erected a fine two-story building, one hundred and twenty-five by
twenty-seven feet, and he operates a rooming house in the upper floors.
Mr. Jolly is said to have the finest drug stores in all Canada. He carries
a large stock of drugs and a complete line of phonographs. There is no
phase of the pharmaceutical business with which he is not familiar and
he well merits the success he has achieved.
Mr. Jolly has been twice married. In 1906 he was married to Miss
Florence Irene Charton, a native of Ontario, and to them two daughters
were born: Ruth, who is attending the Collegiate Institute; and Helen, who
is a student in the local public schools. Mrs. Jolly passed away in August,
1910, and she was deeply mourned by her family and many friends. In
1912 Mr. Jolly was married to Miss Isabella Duff, a native of Western
Canada. To them four children have been born: William Andrew, eleven
years of age; Frank, seven years of age; Douglas David, five years of age;
and Isobel, two years of age. The Jolly family are members of the Car-
michael Presbyterian church and active in the various church organiza-
tions. Mr. Jolly was chairman of the St. Andrew's managing board for
two years. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and he is a Knight
Templar and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He is past master of the North
West Mounted Police Masonic Lodge. Mr. Jolly's hobby is fishing and
shooting and he has a summer home at Regina Beach. He is an active
member of the local Country Club. He has devoted the greater part of his
time and attention to his business interests but has also maintained an
active interest in civic affairs. At one time he ran for alderman but was
defeated by a small majority. Mr. Jolly is a self-made man in the truest
sense of the word and Regina is, indeed, fortunate in having him for a
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