Samuel H. Christie, manager of the Western School Supply, Limited, located at No.2353 Ottawa street, Regina, is a comparatively recent ar- rival in the business circles of this city, where he has made an excellent record in the past half dozen years. He was born in Kemptville, Ontario, on the 25th of May, 1859, son of Samuel and Jane (Blackburn) Christie, who were natives of Kemptville, but came from Scotch-Irish stock, the Christies being originally a Belfast family, while the Blackburns were Glasgow people. Samuel Christie was a commission merchant who kept a store in Kemptville until 1865, when he moved to Ottawa, where he and his wife lived the rest of their days. Fraternally he was a Mason, be- longed to the Presbyterian church and in politics voted with the Con- servative party. Samuel H. Christie was the fourth in a family of seven children, three of whom are deceased. He was educated in the Collegiate Institute at Ottawa, then known as the grammar school. Subsequently he took up bookkeeping and accounting and was engaged in these occupa- tions for a number of years. Mr. Christie first came to western Canada twenty-five years ago, when he entered the Christie Book Store at Brandon. In 1917 he moved to Regina, as manager for the Western School Supply, Limited, which posi- tion he still holds. This undertaking has been a most gratifying one for Mr. Christie and his brother. Under its present able management the business has grown rapidly and now extends all over this province and as far west as the Pacific coast, being classed as one of the principal concerns in this line of work in the west. The company handles all kinds of school supplies and carries a line of goods that is not only absolutely reliable, but is also thoroughly modern and in keeping with the most recent developments in the educational world. In 1883 Mr. Christie was united in marriage to Miss Kate Fraser, who was born and educated in Ottawa. They are the parents of two daugh- ters: Jessie B. and Edythe. The family attends the Knox Presbyterian church. Mr. Christie is a Scottish Rite Mason, a member of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows and of the Independent Order of Foresters. His political allegiance is given to the Conservative party, but he is no partisan in the sense of being an office seeker. He prefers to devote his entire time to his business, in which he finds a real pleasure as well as a means of earning a livelihood. He has never sought notoriety, but has lived an unostentatious, purposeful life, devoted to his family and work, winning many friends who appreciate him for his intrinsic worth. Bibliography follows:

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