WILLIAM W. SMITH. Photograph
One of the most prominent business men in Swift Current is William
W. Smith, mayor of the town and proprietor of the W. W. Smith Agency,
Limited, an insurance, real estate and loan business. He was born in
Devonshire, England, on the 12th of February, 1885, a son of William
Robert and Elizabeth Smith, natives of England, who spent their lives
in that country, where the father was engaged in the mercantile busi-
In the pursuit of his early education William W. Smith attended the
public schools of his birthplace and in 1903, at the age of eighteen years,
he came to Canada. He located in Qu'Appelle in April, 1903, and resided
there until 1910. He was engaged in farming and also conducted a
dry goods business while a resident of Qu'Appelle. In 1910 he disposed
of his interests there and removed to Regina, where he was engaged in
the insurance business from 1910 to 1913. In the spring of the latter
year he came to Swift Current and established his present business, which
he conducts under the name of the W. W. Smith Agency, Limited. He is
essentially a man of business and for years has been an influential facto~
in business progress.
In 1914 Mr. Smith was married to Miss Islay Fyffy, a native of Sas-
katchewan, and to them three children have been born: Elizabeth, Jack
Ernest and William. Mrs. Smith is a woman of charming personality
and she maintains an active interest in the club and social circles of Swift
Current. Mr. Smith has always been active in local political affairs and
for four years served as a city alderman. In 1922 he was elected mayor
of Swift Current and is satisfactorily discharging to many important
duties of that office. During his administration he has inaugurated and
brought to completion many movements for the benefit of the city. Fra-
ternally he is a Royal Arch Mason and is readily conceded to be an exem-
plary member of the craft. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian
church and he is a charter member of the local Rotary Club. For recrea-
tion from his many business and official duties, Mr. Smith turns to golf
and he is a member of the local golf club. The success he has achieved
in life is well deserved and he may justly be numbered among the im-
portant factors in Swift Current's upbuilding.
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