One of the pioneer citizens of the Weyburn district, who has been a helpful factor in the development and improvement of the district, is Henry McGowan, farmer and postmaster of Weyburn. He was born near Barrie, Ontario, on the 15th of March, 1869, a son of John and Elizabeth (Foster) McGowan. In the pursuit of his education Henry McGowan attended the public schools of his birthplace, and he was one of the early settlers in the Wey- burn district. He came west from Ontario on an exploring trip in 1898, in company with George T. Partridge, driving through to the Weyburn district by way of Indian Head, and they made a study of the land here. Subsequently they returned to their native province and gave to their many friends an account of what they found here. They were opti- mistic in their opinions of the Weyburn district and the following spring, accompanied by several friends, they came to the Weyburn district on a special train, by way of Estevan. They were on the road about three weeks because of various delays. Mr. McGowan homesteaded some valu- able land in this district, bought school land, and engaged in farming on an extensive scale. His efforts were crowned with success and he is prominently known throughout the province. He received the first appointment as overseer for the Weyburn district, which at that time covered a large area. In 1907 he purchased a home in Weyburn and accepted the office of postmaster, receiving his first official appointment to that office in December, 1907, and has since held this important posi- tion. He has inaugurated and brought to completion many movements for the betterment of mail service and is deserving of the highest com- mendation. In Ontario, in 1895, Mr. McGowan was married to Miss Alice M. Stewart, a native of that province and a sister of Hon. Charles Stewart, Minister of the Interior. To Mr. and Mrs. McGowan five children have been born: Winnifred, Lilly, Alice E., Jessie and Henry S. Mrs. Mc- Gowan is a woman of culture and refinement and she is prominent in the club and social circles of this community. Fraternally Mr. McGowan is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and he is grand master of the Saskatchewan order. He has held this important position for ten years ever since he became a member of the order. Mr. Mc- Gowan is likewise affiliated with the Masons and the Canadian Order of Foresters. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. He has many friends throughout the district and province, and as a pioneer citizen of this district he has done much to promote its growth and he well merits the success he has won. Bibliography follows:

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