George Alexander Ferguson, barrister, is a member of the well known firm of Kyle, Ferguson & Hartie, of Saskatoon, with offices In the Canada building. He was born in Cornwall, Ontario, on the 21st of July, 1892, a son of Alexander and Mary (MacLeod) Ferguson, natIves of Corn- wall. Mr. Ferguson has been an agriculturist in Ontario for many years and has won prosperity. The public and high schools of Cornwall, Ontario, afforded George Alexander Ferguson his early education. In 1909 he came to Saskatoon and was articled to his uncle, J. D. Ferguson, King's Counsel, with whom he studied law. At the same time he took a law course in the University of Saskatchewan and that institution conferred the LL. B. degree upon him in 1915, the same year he was called to the bar. That was the first degree in law conferred by the university. Soon thereafter Mr. Fer- guson put all personal interests aside and enlisted for service in the Great war with a detachment of the One Hundred and Fifth Saskatoon Fusileers. He was commissioned a lieutenant, and was immediately sent overseas, where he saw active service with the Tenth Canadian Infantry Battalion. He was wounded at the battle of Passchendaele and was mentioned in dispatches. Mr. Ferguson served on the staffs of General McDougall, General Turner, General Sir A. C. Macdonell and General Griesbach. He was promoted and returned to this country with the rank of major. While in London Mr. Ferguson studied law for six months at the Middle Temple, and soon after receiving his honorable discharge he returned to Saska- toon and practiced with his uncle for two years. At the termination of that time he formed a partnership with Hon. W. C. Sutherland and D. C. Kyle and subsequently the firm became Kyle, Ferguson & Hartie. Mr. Ferguson brought to the profession innate ability and thorough prepara- tion and he has been successful. Along strictly professional lines Mr. Ferguson holds membership in the Dominion Bar Association, the Saskatchewan Bar Association and the Saskatoon Bar Association, and he is a member of the board of executives of the latter association. Socially he is identified with the Riverside Country Club, the Saskatoon Club and the Canadian Club. Mr. Ferguson has always given his political allegiance to the Liberal party. He has ever supported those interests which are calculated to promote the healthful growth of Saskatoon. The religious faith of Mr. Ferguson is that of the Presbyterian church. He is unmarried. Bibliography follows:

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