A man of varied and important activities is A. W. A. Corscadden,
town clerk, secretary-treasurer of Rural Municipality of Eye Hill, No.
382 and real estate, insurance and loans representative. He was born in
Russell, Ontario, on the 22d of April, 1878, a son of Thomas and Cath-
erine (Fielding) Corscadden, natives of that province. Thomas Cors-
cadden was a woolen manufacturer and was successfully engaged in that
line of work for the greater part of his life. He died in 1917 but Mrs.
Corscadden passed away in June, 1879. The maternal grandmother is
living, at the advanced age of ninety-nine years.
A. W. A. Corscadden received his education in the public schools of
Russell, Ontario, and in due time was graduated from high school at
Vauklake Hill. He then taught school for a year and subsequently en-
tered the wool manufacturing business in association with his brother.
Four years later he disposed of his part of the enterprise and in 1907
came to Saskatchewan and located in Sedley, clerking in a store there
for two and one-half years. In the fall of 1909 he came to Macklin and
acquired a homestead and also preempted some land. At the same time
he opened the yard here for the Beaver Lumber Company. He engaged
in agricultural pursuits for four years and was manager of the lumber
company until 1912. He was also secretary of the Rural Municipality
from 1910 to 1912. In 1912 he became secretary of the town and resigned
his position with the lumber company. Since that time he has been
town clerk, secretary and treasurer of the Rural Municipality of Eye
Hill, No.382, and since 1912 has been in the real estate, loan and insur-
ance business. He handles Hudson's Bay and Canadian Pacific Railroad
lands. He has proven that a man can do more than one thing at a time
and do all well and he stands high in the esteem of his fellow citizens.
In December, 1903r Mr. Corscadden was united in marriage to Miss
Hattie Alberta Armstrong and to them eight children have been born;
Lloyd A., Lillian M., Thomas Arthur, Chester R., Mabel A., one child who
died in infancy; George, who died at the age of three years; and Arnold,
who died when eleven months old. Mr. Corscadden retains his farming
interests here. He gives his political allegiance to the Liberal party and
has firm belief in the principles of that party as factors in good govern-
ment. For some time he was local justice of the peace. His religious
faith is that of the Methodist church, in which he has served as trustee,
being active in that capacity from 1910 to 1922.
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