A man of high intellectual attainments and splendid business ability
is Samuel Barraclough, secretary-treasurer of the town of Sutherland.
He was born at Woodville, near Burton-on-Trent, England, on the 11th
of February, 1879, a son of Joshua and Sarah (Fox) Barraclough, na-
tives of that country. The father has been an educator all of his life
and is prominently known in that connection both in his native country
and in the Dominion. He was professor at York College for a good many
years and is now living retired in England, at the age of sixty-nine.
Mr. Barraclough has lectured extensively throughout England and Can-
ada and has received diplomas from Lord Strathcona, Sir Charles Tup-
per and Sir Wilfred Laurier, in recognition of his services to all through
the medium of his lectures. He also has in his possession the original
letter written him by the late Lord Wolseley, in recognition also of his
services as an educator, particularly of the services rendered his students.
Mr. Barraclough was located in south Derbyshire for many years and
while there did much to further educational facilities, etc. Mrs. Barra
clough died on the 24th of May, 1920.
Samuel Barraclough received his education in England, his father be-
ing his tutor, and he completed his textbook learning at Ashby-de-la-
Gouch grammar school. He then made his initial step into the business
world, accepting a position in the office of the largest sanitary drain pipe
manufacturing company in England. He remained with this enterprise
eight years and then for six months was special representative of the
Trade Journals publication in London, England. His duties in this con-
nection took him into every county in England, Scotland and Wales. In
1903 he came to Canada and first located on a farm in Manitoba, where
he worked for three months. At the end of that time he removed to Win-
nipeg and engaged in carpenter work, as carpenter's helper for a short
time. He was taken ill and for three months was confined to the hospital
and as a result of his illness was nearly deported to his native land. But
friends of his father intervened and he was given a position in the im-
migration office. Later he accepted a position with the Canadian Pacific
Railroad in the auditor of stores and the mechanical accounts depart-
ment, where he served for nine years, being in charge of several large
divisional points in the west. In 1910 he came to Sutherland to inspect
this railroad station and was so well pleased with the town that he deter-
mined to make it his home. In 1911.he engaged in the real estate and in-
surance business and was also shipping agent at Sutherland. In 1914 he
put all personal interests aside and enlisted in the service of his country,
joining the Canadian Engineers. For five years he was overseas, and
upon his arrival there he was transferred to the navy. Later he was
made superintending clerk of the Canadian Ordnance Corps and was thus
actively engaged when the signing of the armistice closed hostilities. He
was sent to the board of pension commissioners for Canada, being placed
in charge of the ledger section and he possesses a fine letter of recom-
mendation from that board. He received his honorable discharge in
1919 and returned to Sutherland soon thereafter, becoming secretary
treasurer of the town.
In June, 1908, Mr. Barraclough was married to Miss Leith Eliza-
beth Law. She was a trained nurse and during the World war rendered
valuable service to her country overseas. During the course of her work
there she was taken ill and her death occurred in London, England, in
1918. In December, 1920, Mr. Barraclough was married to Miss Sarah
Law, a sister of his first wife.
In 1914 Mr. Barraclough served as mayor of Sutherland and during
that time inaugurated and brought to completion many movements where-
by the community was greatly benefitted. He is a fellow of the Royal
Colonial Institute of London, England, and is a member and one of the
founders of Twin City Lodge, Ancient Free & Accepted Masons. He
was the first worshipful master of the lodge and in 1920 was elected dis
trict deputy grand master for district No.5. The religious faith of Mr.
Barraclough is evidenced in his attendance at the Anglican church. He
built a fine home in Sutherland some time ago and there his friends al-
ways find a wealth of hospitality.
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