Henry J. Foik, barrister and town solicitor of Humboldt, exemplifies
in his life the many sterling characteristics of his German ancestry. lie
was born in Gleiwitz, province of Upper Silesia, Germany, on the 15th
of October, 1872, a son of John and Johanna (Damek) Foik, natives of
that country. In 1877 Mr. and Mrs. Foik and their family came to
Canada and located at Stratford, Ontario. There the father engaged
the tailoring and furrier business and achieved substantial success.
death occurred in 1899 and Mrs. Foik died in 1900.
In the pursuit of his early education Henry J. Foik attended the public
schools of Stratford, Ontario. Upon graduation from high school he
enrolled in Toronto University and he also attended Queen's University
from which he obtained his degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1905. Prior
to taking up the study of law he engaged in educational work and taught
in Ontario and Manitoba. For three years he taught in the rural schools
and the balance of the time was an instructor in the high schools of those
provinces. His earliest ambition was to study law and subsequently he
withdrew from educational work and moved to Regina, where he took
up the study of law. In 1910 he was articled in law to J. N. Fish, K. C.
of the firm of Turgeon, Fish & Calder, and later transferred his articles
to Mr. S. P. Grosch, who was at that time city solicitor of Regina, and
he was employed in the city solicitor's office until 1913, when he was
called to the Saskatchewan bar. He came to Humboldt on the 1st of
February, 1913, where he has since practiced. As a representative os
the legal fraternity he has made continuous progress and the public
recognition of his ability has won for him a large and representative
clientele. He has been town solicitor of Humboldt since taking up resi-
dence here. Mr. Foik is a stanch advocate of education and has been
active in the furtherance of many movements for the betterment of edu-
cational facilities here. He is a member of the high school board, of
which he has served as chairman for three years.
In 1898 Mr. Foik was married to Miss Annie Reive, a native of On-
tario and a daughter of John and Ellen Reive of Colborne, Ontario. To
them one daughter has been born: Anna Isabel, born in Regina, August
10, 1910. Fraternally Mr. Foik is identified with the Masons and is
readily conceded to be an exemplary member of the craft. He is an active
member of the local Board of Trade.
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