Dr. Harold Egbert Alexander is one of the foremost physicians and
surgeons of Saskatoon. He was born in Woodstock, New Brunswick, on
the 31st of July, 1884, a son of S. D. and Alma (Yerxa) Alexander, like-
wise natives of New Brunswick. The father has been active in educa-
tional circles for many years, but is now living retired on a farm north of
Saskatoon, where he has resided since 1918. Mrs. Alexander taught school
for about five years.
In the pursuit of his education Harold Egbert Alexander attended the
public schools of his birthplace and likewise the Fredericton high school.
Subsequently he became a student in the University of New Brunswick
and then enrolled in the Medical School of the University of Toronto, from
which institution he was graduated with the M. D. degree in 1910. He
then went to New York city and for two years attended the New York
Post Graduate Medical Hospital. In 1912 he came to Saskatoon and es-
tablished offices for the practice of his chosen profession. He soon built
up an extensive and important patronage and is conceded to be one of the
foremost members of his profession in the city and district. For six years
Dr. Alexander took care of all surgical work in Lloydminster, Saskatche-
wan, and he also did surgical work in the Davidson, Saskatchewan, Hos-
pital during the Great war. Since that time he has devoted his entire time
and attention to his practice at Saskatoon. Aside from his professional
interests the Doctor owns and operates a fine farm fifteen miles north of
Saskatoon and makes a specialty of breeding and raising pure-blooded
shorthorn cattle.
In November, 1913, Dr. Alexander was married to Miss Edith Fegg,
a daughter of W. T. and Lodina (Hill) Pegg, natives of Blenheim, On-
tario. Mr. Pegg has engaged in farming for many years in Ontario and
is a highly respected and esteemed member of the community in which he
resides. To Dr. and Mrs. Alexander four children have been born: Mar-
garet, six years of age; Robert, five years of age; Doris, four years old;
and William, aged one month. Since attaining his majority the Doctor
has given his political allegiance to the Liberal party and he maintains
an active interest in party affairs, although he has never sought nor de-
sired political preferment. He is well informed on all important ques-
tions and issues of the day and is always interested in the healthful growth
and advancement of Saskatoon. His religious faith is that of the Baptist
church. Fraternally Dr. Alexander is affiliated with the Masons and the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is an active member of the Kiwanis
Club, the Canadian Club and the Riverside Country Club. Along strictly
professional lines he is affiliated with the Saskatchewan Medical Associa-
tion and the New Brunswick Medical Association and he is a fellow of the
American College of Surgeons, of the Saskatoon Academy of Medicine
and also is identified with the Dominion Medical Association.
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