Mercantile interests of Saltcoats find a worthy and progressive repre-
sentative in Thomas Bradford, who for many years has been in the hard-
ware business here. He was born in England, on the 23d of May, 1870,
a son of Alexander and Joanne (Scott) Bradford. The Bradfords came
to Canada in 1888 and located near Saltcoats, where the father success-
fully followed agricultural pursuits for many years.
Thomas Bradford was eighteen years of age when he came to Canada
with his parents. He remained on the home farm but a short time and
then accepted a position as clerk in a hardware store in Saltcoa~s. In
1894 he went into the hardware business on his own account and has since
conducted that enterprise. His is one of the pioneer establishments of
this community and he has a gratifying trade.
Mr. Bradford was married to Miss Jessie Fisher, a native of Saskatch-
ewan, and they have two sons: Alexander and Walter. Both of the
boys are associated with their father in the hardware business and are
readily conceded a place among the representative young business men
of this community.
Mr. Rradford is now serving his first term as mayor and is giving
Saltcoats a prosperous and progressive administration. Fraternally he is
identified with the Masons and his religious faith is that of the Union
church. He stands today as a fine type of a progressive and straight-
forward business man, being reliable, energetic, upright and honorable
in all of his dealings, and he is justly accounted one of the representative
citizens of this community.
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