Arthur Ernest Cook, city storekeeper of Saskatoon, was born in Wal- tham Abbey, Essex, England, on the 24th of November, 1882, a son of Charles and J. Fanny (Fairchild) Cook, who were natives of that country, where they spent their lives. In early life Mr. Cook learned the contracting business and was a successful general contractor in England for many years. His death occurred in 1918, while Mrs. Cook passed away in 1902. Arthur Ernest Cook was reared to young manhood in Waltham Abbey and there attended boarding school. Upon the completion of his educa- tion he was apprenticed to the cycle and motor trade and also learned the gunsmith's trade. For six and one-half years he was with the Royal Sword Arms of Enfield, England, and in 1904 left his native country to come to Canada. He first located in Regina, but after a few weeks he came to Saskatoon and became a member of the force of the Dominion Land Survey office, there remaining for three years and then resigned that position to work for the city. He was made city storekeeper a few months after entering the city's service and has since held this position. Mr. Cook is a man of genial and pleasing personality and is the right man for the place. He is conscientious in the performance of his duties and well merits the confidence and esteem in which he is held. In June, 1906, Mr. Cook was married to Miss Lillian Clarabel Mar- shall and they have two children: Clarence Arthur, born on the 20th of November, 1908; and Bernard Charles, born on the 14th of October, 1910. Mrs. Cook is a woman of charming personality and she takes an active interest in the club and social activities of this city. Mr. Cook is identified with the Sons of England and is past president of Standard Lodge, No.265, of that organization. His religious faith is that of the Anglican church. He is essentially public-spirited and he has been a helpful factor in the promotion of many movements for the benefit of the community. Bibliography follows:

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