John S. Fowlie was an enterprising business man of Prince Albert, engaged in the real estate, insurance and loan business. He was born in Kinsale, Ontario, on the 4th of February, 1873, a son of William and Margaret (Smith) Fowlie, natives of Aberdeenshire, Scotland. William Fowlie came to Canada about 1869 and located at Kinsale, Qntario, where he engaged in farming until he retired from active life in 1901. Since that time he has made his home in Brooklin, Ontario., Mrs. Fowlie died in January of the year 1923. John S. Fowlie attended the public schools of Kinsale and in 1895 went to Manitoba. He became foreman of the Indian Head Government Experimental Farm, filling that position from 1896 until 1903. At the termination of that time he came to Prince Albert and' became local agent for Massey-Harris from 190~ to 1,906, and in the latter year was made general agent. In 1907 he resigned his position with Massey- Harris to engage in the real estate and insurance business, in partnership with A. J. Romeril, and that association was maintained until 1918, when Mr. Fowlie bought out his partner's interests and from that time on he continued the business independently until his death, which, occurred August 14, 1923. He enjoyed an extensive and important patronage and stood high among Prince Albert's foremost business men and citizens. On the 4th of July, 1901, Mr. Fowlie was married to Miss Ellen Bird, and to them six sons were born: William John, residing in Los Angeles, California; Donald Elliott, manager of the insurance department of his father's business; and Kenneth, Allan, Gordon and Peter Joseph, all attending school. Mr. Fowlie always gave his political allegiance to the Conservative party. He was very active in party affairs, and was vice- president of the Conservative Association for two years. He was vice- president of the Prince Albert Agricultural Society in 1920, and had been connected with that body for many years, and he was president of the local Board of Trade in 1921 and 1922. This Board of Trade is the oldest organization of its kind in the province. Mr. Fowlie was also vice president of the Associated Board of Trade of Saskatchewan in 1921 and 1922, and was president of the Prince Albert Rotary Club from May, 1922, to May, 1923. He was a member of the city council at the time of his death and served the people of Prince Albert to the best of his ability. Fraternally he was identified with the Masons and the In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows. His religious faith was that of the Presbyterian church. Although Mr. Fowlie devoted the greater part of his time and attention to his duties as a private citizen and public official he managed to have some spare time in which to pursue gardening and curling, his favorite hobbies. He had many good and true friends, for he was an upright, useful citizen, and will be remembered as an honor- able and just man. Bibliography follows:

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