One of the energetic and farsighted business. men of Saskatoon is
Thomas M. Ball, president and manager of the Miners, Ball & Nelson
Lumber Company, Ltd., and vice-president of Miners & Ball, Limited, gen-
eral contractors. He was born near London, Ontario, on the 20th of July,
1889, a son of Thomas and Mary (Fuller) Ball, natives of that province.
For many years the father has been baggage master for the Grand Trunk
Railway, and he is one of the highly respected and esteemed citizens of
the community in which he resides.
Thomas M. Ball received his education in the public schools of London,
Ontario, and in due time was graduated from high school. He then en-
tered a business college and subsequently took up accounting, working in
various places and in different lines of business until 1912. In 1911 Mr.
Ball formed a partnership with Charles M. Miners for the conduct of a
general contracting business and the firm is still doing business under the
name of Miners & Ball, Limited, general contractors. Mr. Ball is vice-
president of the company and C. M. Miners is manager and president. In
February, 1913, Mr. Ball and Mr. Miners organized a lumber business,
taking a Mr. Nelson into partnership, and this company is operated under
the name of the Miners, Ball & Nelson Lumber Company, Limited. Fred
Miners is a stockholder in both of the above mentioned companies and is
foreman of the contracting firm.
In June, 1912, Mr. Ball was married to Miss Gertrude M. Seymour, a
daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (Bird) Seymour, natives of Lime-
rick, Ireland. They came to Canada at an early day and Mr. Seymour is
now engaged in the grocery business in Winnipeg. In his political views
Mr. Ball is a liberal and his religious faith is that of the Presbyterian
church. Mr. Ball is a self-made man in the truest sense of the word and
he well merits the success he has achieved and the confidence and esteem
in which he is held by all who know him.
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