Alex Shepphard, business assessor for the city of Regina, was born in
Ross-shire, Scotland, on the 9th of September, 1852, son of Thomas and
Ann (Fraser) Shepphard. Left an orphan by the death of his parents
when he was an infant, he was cared for and reared by his mother's peo-
ple. After obtaining a common school education he went to work as a clerk
in a grocery store, at the age of fourteen. In 1882, when he was just thirty
years old, the young Scotsman came to Canada, locating in Winnipeg,
where he found employment in a grocery and liquor store. In March of
the following year he came out to Regina, and went to work in the Camp-
bell & Bayne store. A little later he engaged in the dry goods business
for himself, continuing in this undertaking until 1888. The following
three years were spent on a farm he had homesteaded in this province.
From the farm he returned to mercantile pursuits, engaging In the grocery
business for a time.
Mr. Shepphard came back to Regina after a summer in Vancouver on
the coast. A number of years spent as an auctioneer were followed by
a period in the government service. For the last eight years he has been
business assessor for the city of Regina, with offices in the city hall. His
long experience in this city and familiarity with commercial conditions
have, needless to remark, given him exceptional qualifications for this
office. He is a capable manager and a shrewd business man, as his
financial success in the past forty years attests.
On the 4th of May, 1883, Mr. Shepphard and Miss Jeannette Barnie
were married. Mrs. Shepphard was born in Caithness county, Scotland,
and died in 1899 in Canada. She was the mother of eight children, of
whom three are living: Jean, the wife of J. P. Cookson of Winnipeg, a
commercial man; Miss Ann B. Shepphard, a nurse of Regina, who was
on duty overseas during the Great war; and Nellie, who married J.
Drescher, a banker of California. The family is identified with the Knox
Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Shepphard was one of the first mana-
gers. He is a thirty-third degree Mason and serves on the council of the
thirty-third degree. For years he has been an active member of that
fraternity, holding various offices, among which are the secretaryship of
two different blue lodges, of which he has been a member; treasurer of
the grand lodge for thirteen years; grand treasurer of the Scottish Rite
for thirteen years; and grand master of the Masonic lodges of Saskatche-
wan, his present office. At one time he was also active in the Ancient
Order of United Workmen and he likewise belongs to the Independent
Order of Foresters. In politics he votes for the men he considers best
qualified for the office. He devotes his entire attention to the duties of
his office and his church and fraternal work. In his community he de-
rives much pleasure from his associations and friendships within these
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