The success of any community is due in a large measure to the efforts of men of the type of James E. Peaker-men who accomplish definite re- sults and whose connection with business life promotes progress and advancement. Mr. Peaker is manager of the Peaker-Gibson Grain Corn- pany, Limited, of Yorkton, with elevators at Ebenezer, Gorlitz, Willow- brook, Mehan, Rokeby, Fonehill, Kessock, Pollock Siding, Youngs Siding, Sturdee and Tonkin. He was born in Yorkshire, England, on the 12th of February, 1867, a son of Thomas and Martha (Shaw) Peaker, who came to Canada in 1888 and about 1900 located in the Yorkton district, where they preempted land and acquired three homesteads. At the present time the Peaker family owns about sixteen hundred acres of land, including the original homesteads. The father died in 1916, at the age of eighty years. His widow is living in Yorkton, at the age of eighty- two. To Mr. and Mrs. Peaker four children were born, all of whom are living. A brother of Mr. Peaker's, Charles A. Peaker, is one of the members of the Peaker-Gibson Grain Company, Limited. He was born in England, on the 27th of February, 1869, and he married Miss Jeanette Fernie, a native of Beaver Dale, Saskatchewan. He is now deputy mayor of Yorkton, and is an active member of the Board of Trade and serving his fourth year on the city council. He and his family are consistent members of the Presbyterian church. In the acquirement of his early education James E. Peaker attended the public schools of his birthplace. He came with his parents to this country in 1888 and since reaching man's estate has engaged in the grain business. In 1907 the Peaker-Gibson Grain Company, Limited, was or- ganized and Mr. Peaker has been a dominant factor in the continued suc- cess of the enterprise. He and his brother, Charles, have also engaged in stock raising and have exhibited shorthorn cattle at various shows throughout the Dominion. They had entries at the first summer fair held in Regina. Mr. Peaker is an intelligent and capable business man, of broad views and practical ideas, who is well informed on all current subjects. Mr. Peaker was married to Miss Jane Maddaford, a native of Ontario, and to them seven children have been born, all of whom are living. Al- though his many business interests have made extensive demands upon his time, Mr. Peaker has always been active in political affairs. He was mayor of Yorkton during the years 1916, 1917, 1918, and he gave to this community prosperous and highly successful administrations. He is an active member of the local Board of Trade and has served on the town council. Bibliography follows:

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