Frederick F. MacDermid is a prominent barrister of Saskatoon and a member of the well known firm of Ferguson, MacDermid & MacDermid. He was born in Ontario, on the 18th of October, 1885, a son of P. H. and Anna (Ross) MacDermid, natives of Martintown, Ontano. For many years the MacDermid family have been agriculturists in the vicinity of Martintown and they have been dominant factors in the development and improvement of that section of Ontario. Mr. MacDermid followed agri- cultural pursuits for many years and is now living retired in Martintown, a highly respected and esteemed citizen. Frederick F. MacDermid was educated in the public schools at Martin- town and attended law school in Winnipeg, from which he graduated in 1907. Prior to that he received the LL. B. degree from the University of Manitoba. He was admitted to the Saskatchewan bar in 1908 and com- menced practice at Saskatoon, in partnership with J. D. Ferguson, the firm being known as Ferguson & MacDermid. Subsequently his brother, extended mention of whom is made elsewhere in this work, was admitted to the firm, and the name was changed to its present form, Ferguson, Mac- Dermid & MacDermid. In September, 1920, Mr. MacDermid was married to Miss Margaret Vickers of Chicago, Illinois, a daughter of John H. and Florence (Tench) Vickers, natives of Toronto. For many years Mr. Vickers was president of the American Express Company, with headquarters in Chicago. He made that city his home for forty years and was prominently known in business circles there. His death occurred in February, 1918. Mrs. Vickers sur- vives her husband and is making her home in New York. Mrs. MacDermid is a woman of charming personality and she is prominent in the club and social circles of this city. The political allegiance of Mr. MacDermid is given to the Liberal party and he is a firm believer in the principles of that party as factors in good government. His religious faith is manifest in his membership in the Presbyterian church and he is a zealous worker in its behalf. Along the lines of his profession Mr. MacDermid holds membership in the Canadian Bar Association, the Saskatchewan Bar Association and the Saskatoon Bar Association. He is president of the Saskatoon Club and was president of the Riverside Country Club in 1920. He is a man of genial and pleasing personality and is one of Saskatoon's leading and representative citizens. Bibliography follows:

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