David D. Campbell, manager of the Central Saskatchewan Division of the Monarch Life Assurance Company, whose head office is in Winni- peg, is a prominent and highly esteemed citizen of Saskatoon. He was born in Bealton, Ontario, on the 8th of August, 1882, a son of James and Sarah E. (Taylor) Campbell, natives of that province. The father was an agriculturist for the greater part of his life, in his native province, and well deserved the success which came to him. Mrs. Campbell is making her home in Saskatoon, where she has many friends. Mr. Campbell died in January of the year 1883. A tree fell on him, causing injuries which resulted in his death. In the acquirement of his education David D. Campbell attended the rural schools in the vicinity of the home farm and was a student in the public schools of Mount Pleasant, Ontario, later graduating from high- school at Brantford. Upon the completion of his preliminary education he took up the study of salesmanship and afterward was in the broker- age business in Toronto for a year. For five years he was in the life insurance business in Ontario, and in September, 1908, he came to Saska- toon and became associated with the Monarch Life Assurance Company as a salesman. In 1913 he was made manager for northern Saskatche- wan. The territory has recently been divided and he is now manager of the Central Division of the Monarch Life Assurance Company. There is no phase of the business with which he is not familiar and he is dis- charging the many important duties of his office with efficiency. He has nine men under his supervision and every detail of the business receives his personal attention. Mr. Campbell is ambitious, resolute and ener- getic and whatever he undertakes, whether in business or other connec- tions, is carried forward to successful completion. For some time he was engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1913 he operated four hundred and eighty acres of well improved land and made a specialty of breeding and raising pure bred Holstein cattle. He received a diploma for the best pure-bred dairy animal, which was awarded by the Saskatchewan Cattle Breeders Association. In the fall of 1913 Mr. Campbell disposed of his land and has since devoted his entire time and attention to the insurance business. On the 14th of June, 1904, Mr. Campbell was married to Miss Bettie G. Houlding, a daughter of William and Mary Jane (Fawcett) Houlding, natives of Brant county, Ontario, where the father engaged in farm- ing for the greater part of his life. His death occurred in July, 1919. His widow survives him and is making her home in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have two children: James Ross, whose birth occurred on the 27th of April, 1908; and William Cohn, born on the 26th of December, 1913. The political allegiance of Mr. Campbell is given to the Liberalparty and he is a firm believer in the principles of that party as factors in good government. He has never sought nor desired political preferment, al- though he is very public-spirited and no movement for the benefit of the community seeks his aid in vain. His religious faith is that of the Pres- byterian church, in which he is a member of the choir. Along strictly business lines he belongs to the Life Underwriters Association of Canada and holds membership in the Saskatoon Golf Club and the Saskatoon Lawn Bowling Club, being an executive of the latter organization. Mr. Campbell is a lawn bowling enthusiast and attends all such tournaments in Canada. Bibliography follows:

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