James Harvey Turnbull is a man of varied activities and is one of the
representative citizens of Wilkie. He was born in Whitewater, Manitoba,
on the 2d of June, 1887, a son of Thomas and Rachael (Henry) Turnbull,
the former a native of Nepanee, Ontario, and the latter of Huron county,
that province. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull went to Manitoba in 1880 and
there the father engaged in farming until about 1910, when he retired
from active life and is now making his home in New Westminster, Brit-
ish Columbia.
In the acquirement of his education James Harvey Turnbull attended
the public schools of Whitewater and in due time was graduated from
high school. At the age of eighteen years-in 1905-he came west and
located at North Battleford, where he acquired a homestead. Some time
later he moved near where the town of Wilkie now stands and farmed that
land until 1909. In that year the town of Wilkie was started, and he
moved into the town, realizing the manifold opportunities offered in a
new and certainly prosperous community, and he engaged in the dray and
implement business, continuing that line of work until 1912, when he was
appointed postmaster. He has since discharged the duties of this impor-
tant position and has brought the mail system here to a high degree of
efficiency. In 1915 Mr. Turnbull also became an auctioneer and has con-
tinued in this capacity. He is agent at Wilkie for the Manufacturers Life
Assurance Company and received a medal and obtained a membership in
the body composed of agents who wrote one hundred thousand dollars
worth of business in 1921. P. M. Florence, extended mention of whom
is made elsewhere in this work, is a partner of Mr. Turnbull in the auc-
tioneering, insurance and live stock business and the firm is known as
Florence & Turnbull. The firm is the most successful in its line of busi-
ness in the surrounding country. It owns one-half section of land, and
had one hundred and seventy-five acres in crops in 1923. Mr. Turnbull
still owns his original homestead and will in all probability average forty
bushels of wheat this year. Florence & Turnbull are particularly well
known as auctioneers and do the largest business in that line in western
In August, 1908, Mr. Turnbull was married to Miss Jane McClennan
and to them two children have been born: Nora Janet, whose birth oc-
curred in January, 1911; and Roderick Alexander, born in March of the
year 1916. Mr. Turnbull is essentially public-spirited and for the past
eight years bas served on the city council. He is readily accounted one of
the most progressive and enterprising citizens of Wilkie and this town is
proud to number him among her adopted sons.
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