Revis Carroll is a barrister and solicitor of Saskatoon and a member
of the firm of McCraney, Hutchinson, Carroll & Sheppard, with offices
in the Bowerman block. He was born in Wellingborough, England, on
the 4th of March, 1889, a son of John Thomas and Margaret (Ellison)
Carroll, natives of Lancashire, England. The father engaged in educa-
tional work throughout his life. His death occurred in England on the
31st of March, 1919. Mrs. Carroll resides in Victoria, British Columbia.
In the pursuit of his education Revis Carroll attended the public
schools of his birthplace and then was articled and studied law. In 1912
he was admitted to the bar and in April of the following year he came to
Saskatoon and became a member of the firm of McCraney, Mackenzie,
Hutchinson & Rose. When Mr. Mackenzie was appointed to the bench
and Mr. McCraney died, in 1921, the firm was reorganized.
On the 6th of June, 1919, Mr. Carroll was married to Kathleen M.
Gardner, a daughter of Thomas and Mary (Faulkner) Gardner, natives of
England. Since attaining his majority Mr. Carroll has maintained an in-
dependent course in politics. His religious faith is that of the Anglican
church. Along strictly professional lines he is identified with the Canadian
Bar Association, the Saskatoon Bar Association and the Saskatchewan
Bar Association. For recreation from his many legal interests Mr. Car-
roll turns to the great outdoors and he plays cricket and golf.
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