Peter Allan Forsyth, warden of the Saskatchewan Provincial jail at
Prince Albert, was born in Clackmannan, Scotland, on the 2d of April,
1876, a son of John and Sophia (Allan) Forsyth, natives of Scotland. In
early life John Forsyth engaged in the grocery business and followed that
line of work until 1910, when he came to Canada and located in Van-
couver, British Columbia. There he lived retired until his death in
June, 1918. Mrs. Forsyth survived her husband until June, 1921.
Peter Allan Forsyth received his education in the public schools of his
birthplace and at AIIa, Scotland. Subsequently he engaged in railroad
work, starting in a very minor capacity and he worked his way upward,
slowly but surely, until he was running a passenger train on the Cale-
donian Railroad, with which road he remained ten years. In May of the
year 1904 he came to Canada and located at Prince Albert, immediately
securing work at the Sanderson sawmill. On the 1st of February, 1905,
he joined the staff of the Dominion government jail as turnkey and
through close application to his many duties and efficiency in their dis-
charge he was steadily promoted until he reached his present position,
that of the warden of the Saskatchewan Provincial jail. In 1906 the
provincial government took over all public institutions and in 1913 Mr.
Forsyth was appointed deputy warden. In the fall of 1920, upon the
death of Warden C. F. McGregor, he was appointed warden, which office
he still holds. In the fall of 1921 the government started the construc-
tion of the new jail, which is by far one of the best and most modern
institutions of its kind in the Dominion, and has over two hundred cells.
In connection with his duties as warden Mr. Forsyth has charge of a
section of land six miles south, which is operated by the government,
and also of fifty-nine acres adjacent to that on which the jail stands,
whereon pure-blooded shorthorn cattle and Yorkshire hogs are raised.
In April, 1913, Mr. Forsyth was married to Miss Gladys Parker and
to their union three children have been born: Jessie, born on the 24th of
June, 1915; Harry, born in August, 1919; and Peter Allan, Jr., born on
the 20th of March, 1922. Fraternally Mr. Forsyth is identified with the
Masons and he is an active member of the Kiwanis Club. His religious
faith is that of the Presbyterian church and socially he is connected with
the Prince Albert Golf Club.
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