Among the many successful business men of Saskatoon who have won
place and fortune as the direct result of their own untiring diligence and
unfailing integrity, we find Ernest A. Clark holding the position of man-
ager of the Northern Life Assurance Company in this district. A native
of Ontario, his birth occurred at Dundalk, on the 19th of February, 1886,
a son of John and Flora (McLean) Clark, likewise natives of that prov-
ince. John Clark was in the lumber business in the east until 1904, when
he came to Saskatchewan and located near Yorkton, where he took up
half a section of land which he improved and operated until his demise
in November, 1909. He was always interested in civic affairs and held
several public offices-postmaster at Paragon, Saskatchewan, auditor of
the municipality, and secretary-treasurer of the school district. Mrs.
Clark survives him and is making her home in Saskatoon, where she has
many friends.
In the acquirement of his education Ernest A. Clark attended the
public schools of the province of Ontario and subsequently took a course
in the Wheat City Business College at Brandon. Upon the completion
of his schooling he accepted a position with the Manson-Campbell Com-
pany of Brandon as salesman and held that position for three years, at
the end of which time he became associated with the International Har-
vester Company in the same capacity and during that time was also in
the real estate business. During that time he accumulated some thirty
thousand dollars worth of real estate but lost all of it. He remained in
the employ of the International Harvester Company nine years and then
was block man for the Cockshutt Plow Company for a period of three
years. At the termination of that time he made his initial step into the
insurance business, becoming district agent for the Canada Life, with
headquarters at North Battleford. Six months later, in July, 1921, he
came to Saskatoon as manager of the Northern Life Assurance Com-
pany's branch, and is capably and efficiently performing the duties of that
position, and has the confidence and esteem of all with whom he associates.
On the 7th of January, 1914, Mr. Clark was married to Miss Mabel
M. Fletcher, a daughter of Rev. Charles and Mrs. Carrie Fletcher, natives
of England. Rev. Charles Fletcher has been in the Methodist ministry
for years, holding many important charges in the province of Saskatche-
wan. He is now on a year's leave of absence in England. Mr. and Mrs.
Fletcher were married in England in 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have
three children: Don F., whose birth occurred on the 31st of January,
1916; Jean C., born on the 3d of November, 1918; and Betty M., born on
the 9th of October, 1920. In his political views Mr. Clark is a Progres-
sive. He is essentially public-spirited and is ever cognizant of the duties
and responsibilities as well as the privileges of good citizenship. His
religious faith is that of the Anglican church. Along strictly business
lines he is identified with the Life Underwriters Association of Canada
and socially he is connected with the Minnetenka Club of Saskatoon and
the Saskatoon Golf Club.
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