Since 1917 Duncan J. Rose has held the important office of Dominion Land Agent at Battleford and he is numbered among the enterprising citizens of this community. He was born in Petersboro county, Ontario, a son of David and Annie (Anderson) Rose, natives of Scotland, who came to Canada with their parents when children. The father became a farmer and timber man and for some time was forest ranger under the John S. McDonald government. He was also reeve of the township of Dummer for some time. Mrs. Rose died in 1887 and shortly after her death Mr. Rose came west and made his home with a son in Souris, Manitoba, and was residing there at the time of his death in August, 1901, when seventy-five years of age. Duncan J. Rose of this review is one of nine children born to them. Two of his sisters have passed away and six brothers are living. The public schools of his native county afforded Duncan J. Rose his preliminary education and subsequently he was graduated from the Col- legiate Institute at Hamilton, Ontario. He then took a law course at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the LL. B. degree was conferred upon him in the year 1885. He taught school for some time thereafter in Ontario, Mon- tana and Michigan. In 1886 he went to Vancouver, prior to the building of the railroad and he was a victim of the big fire that swept that city on June 13th of that year. Subsequently he removed to Livingston, Mon- tona, where he was police magistrate for six years and county treasurer for two years, and in 1901 he located in Calgary, Alberta, where he purchased a farm, which he operated for nine months, doubling his invest- ment. Disposing of the farm, he moved into Prince Albert, Saskatche- wan, in 1903 and there engaged in the real estate and insurance business, in which he continued until 1912. In the fall of that year he was appoint- ed agent for Dominion lands, and in 1917 was transferred to the Battle- ford office, where he has remained. He is a man of genuine personal worth and his genial and pleasing personality has won for him manyfriends. In January, 1899, Mr. Rose was married to Miss Rebecca Fitzsimmons, of Bay Centre, North Dakota, and they have become the parents of three children: Edith, the wife of G. A. Ashwin of Prince Albert; John, who is taking an accounting course in the Saskatchewan University; and James, a student in the local high school. Mr. Rose is a member of the Canadian Club. He is essentially public-spirited and has ever supported those interests which are calculated to benefit the town of Battleford. He was reared in the faith of the Presbyterian church and is a consistent member of the Union church in this city. Bibliography follows:

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