Prominent among the business men of Saskatoon is John Henry Bal- lantyne, manager of northern Saskatchewan for the National Life As- surance Company of Canada. lie was born in Owen Sound, Ontario, on the 30th of October, 1891, a son of Robert and Anna (Fawcett) Ballan- tyne, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of England. The father came to Canada when a young man and located in Owen Sound, Ontario, where he has continued to reside. He has been actively identi- fied with shipbuilding for many years and is prominently known in that connection throughout the district. Mrs. Ballantyne came to Canada at an early age and located with her parents in Owen Sound, where she re- ceived her education. The public schools of Owen Sound afforded John Henry Ballantyne his early education and subsequently he attended the Collegiate Institute in that city. After putting his textbooks aside he became associated with the Bank of Hamilton, being then but seventeen years of age, and he re- mained with that institution for thirteen years, serving in various capaci- ties. In 1916 he was sent to Saskatoon as accountant for the Bank of Hamilton and subsequently he was promoted to the position of manager of the bank at Melfort. Later he was placed in charge of the bank at Gladstone, Manitoba, and was holding that position when he resigned to accept the position of general agent of the Mutual Life of Canada at Port Arthur. He later resigned that position to become manager of northern Saskatchewan for the National Life Assurance Company of Canada, with headquarters in Saskatoon. Mr. Ballantyne has been an important fac- tor in business circles and his prosperity is well deserved, as in him are embraced the characteristics of an unbending integrity and industry that never flags. In June, 1915, Mr. Ballantyne was married to Miss Grace Gertrude Shaw and they have two sons: Gordon Albert, born on the 21st of March, 1917; and Armand Henry, born on the 10th of May, 1920. The political allegiance of Mr. Ballantyne is given to the Liberal party and he is a firm believer in the principles of that party as factors in good govern- ment. Fraternally Mr. Ballantyne is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and he is a member of the - Life Underwriters As- sociation of Canada. Bibliography follows:

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