Saskatchewan And Its People 1924

SurnameGiven nameOn the Biographical Webpage of:
La Rue Andrew Maurice Macdonald Seymour, M.D., C. M., D. P. H.
La Rue Helena Louise Maurice Macdonald Seymour, M.D., C. M., D. P. H.
LaB ne Caroline Gustave Fournier
LaB ne L. Gustave Fournier
Lacroix Albert Harold Henry Lacroix
Lacroix Charles Sylvester Henry Lacroix
Lacroix Elizabeth Henry Lacroix
Lacroix Francis Gilbert Henry Lacroix
Lacroix Frederick William Henry Lacroix
Lacroix Gilbert Henry Lacroix
Lacroix Henry Henry Lacroix
Lacroix James Ernest Henry Lacroix
Lacroix Joseph Henry Nelson Henry Lacroix
Lacroix Mae Irene Henry Lacroix
Lacroix Mary Adeline Henry Lacroix
Lacroix Wilfred Cleophus Henry Lacroix
Lacurciere Eva J.T.O. Saucier, M.D.
Laidlaw Ann Corbet L. Dune
Laidlaw Henrietta Corbet L. Dune
Laidlaw Walter S. Corbet L. Dune
Laird A.F. Dr. A.F. Laird M.D.
Laird Clara A. Henry Willoughby Laird
Laird Constance Estelle Henry Willoughby Laird
Laird Dr. A.F. Dr. A.F. Laird M.D.
Laird Eliza Defoe Henry Willoughby Laird
Laird Elizabeth C. Henry Willoughby Laird
Laird H.W. George S. Peacock
Laird H.W. Henry Willoughby Laird
Laird Hanna Dr. A.F. Laird M.D.
Laird Henry Willoughby Henry Willoughby Laird
Laird Homer Warring Henry Willoughby Laird
Laird Lieutenant William Clarence Henry Willoughby Laird
Laird Lillian Blanche Henry Willoughby Laird
Laird Mildred L. Henry Willoughby Laird
Laird Sadie Dr. A.F. Laird M.D.
Laird William H., Reverend Henry Willoughby Laird
Lake Richard, Sir Levi Thomson
Lamb Ray John M. McKay
Lamont Duncan Hon. John H. Lamont
Lamont John H., Hon. Hon. John H. Lamont
Lamont Katherine Hon. John H. Lamont
Lamont Margaret Hon. Archibald Beaton Gillis
Lamont Margaret Honorable Archibald Beaton Gillis
Lamont Margaret Murray Hon. John H. Lamont
Lamont Margaret Robson Hon. John H. Lamont
Lamont Pete William G. Pettingell
Lander A.B. Cyril H. Lander
Lander Cyril H. Cyril H. Lander
Lander Emma Cyril H. Lander
Lander Ruby Cyril H. Lander
Langford Catherine Clifford K. Langford, M.D.
Langford Clifford K. Clifford K. Langford, M.D.
Langford George Clifford K. Langford, M.D.
Langford Helen E. Clifford K. Langford, M.D.
Langford Mary J Samuel John Albert Branion
Langford Olive Clifford K. Langford, M.D.
Langstaff Maude Howard McLaren
LaRiviere Francis Sergeant Walter Osborne
LaRiviere Marie Sergeant Walter Osborne
LaRiviere Rosalie Margaret Sergeant Walter Osborne
Last Agnes J. Andrew Croll, M.D., F. R. C. S.
Last William Andrew Croll, M.D., F. R. C. S.
Latham Minnie Edward Nicholas Hopkins
Latimer Letitia Frederick George Atkinson
Latta Eliza Hon. Samuel John Latta
Latta Gretta Estella Hon. Samuel John Latta
Latta John Hon. Samuel John Latta
Latta Lawrence Boyland Hon. Samuel John Latta
Latta Samuel John Hon. Samuel John Latta
Laubach Frank Wilfred A. Laubach
Laubach Isabella Wilfred A. Laubach
Laubach Kathleen Wilfred A. Laubach
Laubach Wilfred A. Wilfred A. Laubach
Laughton Victoria Archie L. Johnson, D.D.S.
Lavell John R. Alexander Gray Farrell, M.D.
Law Leith Elizabeth Samuel Barraclough
Law Sarah Samuel Barraclough
Lawrence Anastasia Arthur L. Bates
Lawrence Jane Mrs. Christina Willey
Lawson Mary Jane Frank Sidney Dunn
Leahy D.J. William J. Leahy
Leahy Eliza William J. Leahy
Leahy William J. William J. Leahy
Leask Barbara Gray Edward B. Alport, M.D.
Lederman Charles Ralph Lederman, D.D.S.
Lederman John Ralph Lederman, D.D.S.
Lederman Julia Ralph Lederman, D.D.S.
Lederman Margaret Ralph Lederman, D.D.S.
Lederman Matilda Ralph Lederman, D.D.S.
Lederman Ralph Ralph Lederman, D.D.S.
Lederman William Ralph Lederman, D.D.S.
Lee Charles J. Stanley A. McDougall
Lee Jennie George Henry McKague
Lee Vinnie George A. B lakely
Leech Beverley C. Richard Edward Albert Leech
Leech Jennie Richard Edward Albert Leech
Leech John Richard Edward Albert Leech
Leech Richard Edward Albert Richard Edward Albert Leech
Leech Sarah Richard Edward Albert Leech
Leech Vera Richard Edward Albert Leech
Leeson Ellen Stanley A. McDougall
Leggett Jane James H. Jackson, M.D.
Lehmann Amanda Edmund Lehmann
Lehmann Edith Edmund Lehmann
Lehmann Edmund Edmund Lehmann
Lehmann Ernest Edmund Lehmann
Leitch Annie Roderick Leitch
Leitch Dougal Roderick Leitch
Leitch Effle B. Roderick Leitch
Leitch Gordon B. Rev. Hugh D. Leitch
Leitch Gwen Roderick Leitch
Leitch Hugh Hugh Leitch, D.D.S.
Leitch Hugh D. Rev. Hugh D. Leitch
Leitch Ingle Vern Roderick Leitch
Leitch Jean Charles G. Locke
Leitch Margaret Roderick Leitch
Leitch Mary Hugh Leitch, D.D.S.
Leitch Maude M. Rev. Hugh D. Leitch
Leitch Olive Kathleen Rev. Hugh D. Leitch
Leitch Pearl B. Hugh Leitch, D.D.S.
Leitch Peter Hugh Leitch, D.D.S.
Leitch Roderick Roderick Leitch
Leitch Warren C. Roderick Leitch
Leonard Emma Leonard G. Calder
Leslie Andrew Andrew Leslie
Leslie Edith Percy MacCuaig Anderson, K.C.
Leslie Elizabeth Andrew Leslie
Leslie Eva Mildred Hon. James Alexander Calder B.A. LL. D.
Leslie Jean Richard L. Kennedy
Leslie John Andrew Leslie
Leslie John Percy MacCuaig Anderson, K.C.
Leslie John Travers Hon. James Alexander Calder B.A. LL. D.
Leslie Sarah A. Theodore F. Conrod
Lever Jane Henry M. Stephens, M.D.
Lewin Althea Frank G. Lewin
Lewin Frank G. Frank G. Lewin
Lewin Harry Frank G. Lewin
Lewin Margaret Frank G. Lewin
Lewin Mary Frank G. Lewin
Lewin Mollie Frank G. Lewin
Lewin William Frank G. Lewin
Lewin William Frank G. Lewin
Liggett Margaret Murdock Angus MacKay, M.D.
Lindeburgh A.V. Murdock Angus MacKay, M.D.
Lindeburgh Elena Murdock Angus MacKay, M.D.
Lindeburgh Margaret Murdock Angus MacKay, M.D.
Lindley Maude L. Martin B. Wilkinson
Lindsay HW HW Lindsay
Lindsay Jane James L. Anderson
Lindsay Lindsay, Colonel, K.C. Robert J. Reid
Lindsay Mary Alex L. McIntosh
Linklater Janet Halcrow John G. Stockan
Lipton Thomas Philip P. Ellis
Livingstone Agnes David R. Livingstone M.D.
Livingstone David R. M.D. David R. Livingstone M.D.
Livingstone Grace David R. Livingstone M.D.
Livingstone John, Jr. David R. Livingstone M.D.
Livingstone Marion David R. Livingstone M.D.
Livingstone W.W. Frederick George Atkinson
Livingstone W.W., K.C. Robert Robinson
Lloyd Julia Collins W. Bolton
Lloyd Muriel Hope Robert E. Turnbull
Lloyd Simon Collins W. Bolton
Locke Charles G. Charles G. Locke
Locke Ina M. Charles G. Locke
Locke Jack Charles G. Locke
Locke Jean Charles G. Locke
Locke John Charles G. Locke
Locke Linda Charles G. Locke
Locke Marion Charles G. Locke
Locke Mary Corbet L. Dune
Lockets W.J. Arthur E. Chant
Lockhart Elizabeth Albert Duncan
Lockhart Elizabeth James M. Duncan
Lockhart Elizabeth William H. Duncan
Lockhart N.J. A.J. O'Connor
Lockman Margaret Thomas D. Ross
Lockman Margaret Thomas M. Molloy
Lofthouse J., Right Rev., D.D. Walter Harold Briggs
Lofthouse Marjorie Gordon Walter Harold Briggs
Logan Charlotte B. Frank R. Logan
Logan Donald Frederick M. Logan, B.S.A.
Logan Eleanor Frederick M. Logan, B.S.A.
Logan Frank R. Frank R. Logan
Logan Frederick M. Frederick M. Logan, B.S.A.
Logan Ida Frederick M. Logan, B.S.A.
Logan Isaac Frederick M. Logan, B.S.A.
Logan Margaret Frederick M. Logan, B.S.A.
Logan Robert Frank R. Logan
Logan Walter Frederick M. Logan, B.S.A.
Logan Walter M. Frank R. Logan
Long Jane Ann Charles Wesley Hunt, M.D.
Loonee Gertrude Joseph Edward Rymal
Loucks John Edward Nicholas Hopkins
Loucks Margaret Edward Nicholas Hopkins
Low Alexander David Low, M.D.
Low David David Low, M.D.
Low David Duncan David Low, M.D.
Low George David Low, M.D.
Low J. C. David Low, M.D.
Low Margaret David Low, M.D.
Low Margaret David Low, M.D.
Low Mary Todd David Low, M.D.
Low Mary Wilson Carter David Low, M.D.
Luciano   Hon. Reginald Rimmer
Lundy Sarah Ann General Middleton Grant
Lunney Jane Washington John Frederick Lunney
Lunney John Frederick John Frederick Lunney
Lunney John H. John Frederick Lunney
Lunney Pearl Maud John Frederick Lunney
Lunney William John Frederick Lunney
Lussier Agnes Joseph Emile Lussier
Lussier Charles Edward Joseph Emile Lussier
Lussier Elizabeth Joseph Emile Lussier
Lussier Geroge Adolphe Joseph Emile Lussier
Lussier Joseph Emile Joseph Emile Lussier
Lussier Mary Margaret Irene Joseph Emile Lussier
Lynch Mary Elizabeth Walter Starkey
Lynd Jessie Agnes Thomas Andrew Lynd
Lynd Lucille Esther Elizabeth Thomas Andrew Lynd
Lynd Rachel Thomas Andrew Lynd
Lynd T.A. Stewart McKercker, B. A. LL. B.
Lynd Thomas Thomas Andrew Lynd
Lynd Thomas Andrew Thomas Andrew Lynd
Lynett Elizabeth William J. Mooney, D.D.S.
Lyons Alex Benjamin F. Marshall
Lyons Mary Anna Benjamin F. Marshall
Lyons Mary Jane Benjamin F. Marshall

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