One of the pioneer residents of Biggar is Howard McLaren, mayor, who is also in the real estate, insurance and loan business here and is conducting an undertaking establishment. He was born in the township of Kittley, Leeds county, Ontario, on the 1st of October, 1882, a son of William and Mary (Montgomery) McLaren, likewise natives of Ontario. The father is a successful agriculturist and is operating the farm on which he was born. The public schools of Leeds county afforded Howard McLaren his edu- action and he remained under the parental roof until he was sixteen years of age, when he went on the road for the Percival Plow & Stove Company, in whose employ he remained one year and then went west with the Pembrooke Scale Company. In 1902 he located in Wales, North Dakota, and there engaged in the butcher and horse business for six years, at the end of that time returning to Canada and locating in Cobalt, Ontario, where he continued dealing in horses for one and one-half years. In 1908, in connection with the emigration department, he came to Biggar and remained in the employ of the government two years. When Mr. McLaren came to Biggar there were five inhabitants in the town and he has witnessed and contributed in a great degree to its present growth and prosperity. Subsequently, after resigning his position with the gov- ernment, he entered the real estate, insurance and loans business and likewise resumed his activities as a horse dealer. Later he opened an undertaking establishment and he has continued all of those enterprises. Associated with him in the real estate business is Charles Davis and the firm is known as McLaren & Davis. Mr. McLaren has extensive farming interests here. He acquired a homestead near Biggar when he first came here and for some time he made a specialty of raising pure-blooded short- horn cattle, geese and bronze turkeys. He also bred race horses and at the present time is the owner of a number of fine pacers. Mr. McLaren has traveled extensively throughout Canada, the United States and Cuba but to his mind there is no place like Biggar for a home. On the 1st of August, 1921, Mr. McLaren was married to Miss Maude Langstaff. They are members of the Anglican church and generous con- tributors to the various charities. Mr. McLaren follows an independent course in politics, giving his support to the man best fitted for the office without regard to party principles. He has been mayor of Biggar for three years. For a time he was a member of the city council. Bibliography follows:

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