A prominent barrister and solicitor of Estevan is A. J. O'Connor, a
member of the firm of Perkins & O'Connor. He was born in Pickering,
Ontario, on the 6th of December, 1880, and there received his education.
He was graduated from St. Michael's College and was a student at To-
ronto University for two years. In 1909 he located in Gainshorough, in
the province of Saskatchewan, and he was employed by a Winnipeg firm
as commercial traveler from that year until 1916, when he took up the
study of law in the offices of E. J. Campbell, N.J. Lockhart and W. J.
Perkins, and he was admitted to the provincial bar in 1922. He has won
success in the profession and as a member of the firm of Perkins & O'Con-
nor has an extensive and important clientele. Since taking up his resi-
dence in Estevan he has made many friends and is held in high confidence
and esteem by all who know him.
In 1907 was celebrated the marriage of A. J. O'Connor to Miss Nellie
Houlihan and to their union two children have been born: Jeremiah and
Sylvia. Mrs. O'Connor is actively interested in the club and social work
of Estevan. The religious faith of Mr. O'Connor is that of the Catholic
church and he is an active member of the Knights of Columbus. He is
essentially public-spirited and is always ready to lend a helping hand in
any project for the improvement of the town or to further the interests
of its people. His success in life has been on a parity with his well-di-
rected endeavors and Estevan is proud to number him among her adopted
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