By common consent a high place in the ranks of the barristers of
Regina, among whom there are many able men, is given to Percy Mac-
Cuaig Anderson, M. A., K. C., member of the legal firm of Anderson,
Sample, Bayne & Noonan. Mr. Anderson was born in Paisley, Ontario,
in 1879, a son of James and Sarah Anderson, and was educated in the
public school of Uxbridge and the high school at Belleville, Ontario, pre-
paratory to entering Queen's University, where he took the honor course
in political science and history. This was an excellent preparation for
the profession he was about to enter-a profession that is so inseparably
linked with history and custom in Anglo-Saxon countries. Upon leaving
the university the young man began the reading of law with Aikins Rob-
son & Company of Winnipeg. He came to Saskatchewan in 1909, where
he practiced with MacKenzie, Brown & Company of Regina for several
years. In 1912 the firm of Anderson, Bagshaw, McNiven & Fraser was
formed, an organization that has since become Anderson, Sample, Bayne
& Noonan. This firm, which is a leading one in the Saskatchewan capital,
has a very large clientele, which brings it in touch with much of the
important litigation of the province. Well grounded in the theory and
principle of law, a logical thinker, a convincing speaker, Mr. Anderson
has, by many a brilliant performance in the courtroom, earned the right
to his position in the legal world as one of the most capable barristers
in the city. His arguments are not only admirable from an oratorical
viewpoint; his legal opponents find them all but impregnable, while the
judge and jury never fail to be impressed by his orderly marshaling of
facts to support his case, and his clear, cogent reasoning. In recognition
of his legal ability and achievement, Mr. Anderson has been made King'sCounsel.
At St. Mary's, Ontario, in 1911, Mr. Anderson was united in marriage
to Miss Edith Leslie, daughter of John Leslie, who is connected with the
Bank of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have a daughter. Mr. Ander-
son's religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Methodist
church, and he is a Liberal in his political views. He is a loyal and public-
spirited citizen, who has always given his aid to charitable and public
work, but his attention has been concentrated chiefly upon his profession.
His social relations extend to various organizations, including the Wascana
Country and Assiniboia Clubs of Regina.
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