J. T. 0. SAUCIER, M.D.
Dr. J. T. 0. Saucier is one of the prominent eye, ear, nose and throat
specialists of Saskatoon. He was born in Maskinonge, province of Que-
bec, on the 17th of February, 1872, a son of Antoine and Mathilde (Belan-
ger) Saucier, likewise natives of Quebec. The father engaged in the
mercantile business in Maskinonge throughout his life and became suc-
cessful. His death occurred in 1896 and his widow survived him until
The public schools of his birthplace afforded J. T. 0. Saucier his
early education and for some time he was a student at the college of the
Trois Rivieres at Quebec. Subsequently he entered the Laval University,
now the University of Montreal, at Montreal and was graduated from that
institution with the M. D. degree in 1897. He went to the United States
immediately after receiving his degree and located in the state of Wis-
consin, where he engaged in the active practice of his profession until
1916. In that year he came to Saskatoon and has since resided here. In
1921 Dr. Saucier went to Chicago, Illinois, and there took a special course
in the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital. Upon the completion of his
course he returned to this city and has since specialized in that branch of
the profession. He has won success and stands high among the represen-
tative members of the profession in the city and district.
On the 26th of November, 1900, Dr. Saucier was married to Miss Eva
Lacurciere and to them three children have been born: Alphonse, Rita and
Eveline. Mrs. Saucier is a woman of culture and refinement and she is
prominent in the club and social circles of this city. In his political views
the Doctor is a Liberal and he has firm belief in the principles of that party
as factors in good government. His religious faith is that of the Catholic
church. Fraternally he is identified with the Catholic Order of Foresters
and the Alliance Nationale. Along strictly professional lines he holds
membership in the Academy of Medicine of Saskatoon, the Saskatchewan
Medical Society and the Canadian Medical Association. The Doctor is a
distinguished writer and he is a contributor to various newspapers and
medical journals throughout the Dominion. He is a regular contributor to
the France Litterarie and is a regular correspondent for L'Independence
Medicale, which is published in Montreal. Dr. Saucier has won distinc-
tion as a poet and is a regular contributor to Le Patriote, a French sheet
published at Prince Albert. He is readily conceded to be one of Saska-
toon's leading citizens and this city is proud to number him among her
adopted sons.
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 Dr. J. T. 0. Saucier,Dr. J. T. 0. Saucier,Dr. J. T. 0. Saucier Dr. J. T. 0. Saucier,Dr. J. T. 0. Saucier,Dr. J. T. 0. Saucier Dr. J. T. 0. Saucier,Dr. J. T. 0. Saucier,Dr. J. T. 0. Saucier
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