Political, professional and business interests of Melville have profited
greatly by the well directed activities of H. W. Lindsay, called Judge
Lindsay by his many friends. He was born in Eaglesham, Scotland, on
the 21st of April, 1860.
In the pursuit of his education H. W. Lindsay attended the public
schools of his birthplace and in 1900 came to Canada and settled in the
Grenfell district. Seven years later he moved north, to what was then
the pioneer beginnings of Melville-just a piece of raw prairie land-
when Messrs. Anweiler, Besler, and others were disposing of some of
their farms to the Grand Trunk Pacific townsite interests. The original
townsite of Melville was sold at Killaly, Saskatchewan, in 1906, by
public auction. The Judge immediately became identified with every
movement for the development and improvement of this community and
was chairman of the Local Improvement District. He built a beautiful
home here in 1907. Judge Lindsay was the first postmaster of Melville
in days when one bag of mail came overland three times a week from
Killaly. In 1909 he became a councillor and since that time his name
has been a power in municipal politics.
Prior to coming to Canada, Judge Lindsay was united in marriage
to Miss Margaret C. Ramsey. To their union three sons and one daugh-
ter have been born, all of whom are living with the exception of one son,
who died in active service during the Great war. Fraternally the Judge
is identified with the Masons and has taken the Scottish Rite degrees.
His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. He is vice presi-
dent of the local Hoard of Trade and has served as mayor of Melville
three terms, 1919-21, giving to this community a successful and prosper-
ous administration. The Judge is an all-around sporting personality and
an exceptionally likable man. His hobby is vegetable culture and he is
an expert in that line. During the World war the Judge gave generously
of his time and money in the service of the government, for he is intensely
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