Walter Starkey is one of the most successful general merchants in Star City and is, therefore, one of the representative and energetic business men in this community. He was born at Brighton, Sussex, Eng- land, on the 12th of May, 1872, a son of William and Jane (Young) Starkey, natives of England. Mr. William Starkey was connected with the water company in Brighton for practically all of his active life and was a prominent and highly esteemed citizen of that place. His death occurred in 1911, while Mrs. Starkey died in 1902. Walter Starkey received his education in the public schools of Brighton and upon the completion of his schooling he clerked in a grocery store, being active in that connection until 1891. On the 2d of April of that year, he sailed for the United States, and he traveled extensively through- out the States, remaining there for eight years. In March, 1899, he came to Canada and located at what is now Star City, acquiring a homestead three miles west of this place, which he still operates. In 1904, when the town of Star City was started, he was made the first postmaster and held that office for twelve years. He was also first justice of the peace here. He is the pioneer merchant of Star City and the "father" of the town, whose name is derived from the first four letters of his name. Mr. Starkey has erected two business blocks here and moved into his present building in 1907. His business is operated under the name of "The Qual- ity Store" and he carries a complete line of groceries, dry goods, boots, shoes, clothing, crockery, flour, feed, etc. His slogan is: "Value, Service, Economy." He has likewise continued active in agricultural pursuits and is farming eleven hundred and twenty acres, having seven hundred acres under cultivation at the present time. Mr. Starkey is a self-made man in the truest sense of the word, for his success is the result of his own intelligently directed efforts. He has ventured where many a courageous man has feared to go and he has never profited by the misfortunes of others, and he is beloved by all who know him. In January, 1893, Mr. Starkey was married to Miss Mary Elizabeth Lynch and they have become the parents of six children: Myrtle, Percy, Sidney, Bernice, Bernard and Faith. Mr. Starkey has always given his political allegiance to the Progressive party and he has maintained an active interest in civic affairs. He was reared in the faith of the Anglican church. Mr. Starkey is a stanch advocate of education and has served on the school board many years, having been trustee and first secretary of the board and secretary of the municipality of Star City for two years. He served with the Royal North West Mounted Police for two years, having joined the force in January, 1900, and during that time he was stationed in Prince Albert. He has witnessed the growth of the com- munity and district and has been an influential factor in promoting this growth. Bibliography follows:

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