A prominent member of the legal profession in Saskatoon is General Middleton Grant, named in honor of General Middleton, whose offices are in the Kempthorn building. He was born in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on the 24th of May, 1888, a son of Peter and Sarah Ann (Lundy) Grant, who were also natives of that province, where for many years the father engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1902 he went to Brandon, Mani- toba, ~here he is now living retired. Mrs. Grant died in July, 1917. In the acquirement of his education General Middleton Grant attended the public schools of his native province and subsequently enrolled in the University of Saskatchewan, from which institution he was graduated with the LL. B. degree in 1916. He was admitted to the bar the follow- ing year. Upon the outbreak of the Great war Mr. Grant enlisted in the service of his country, going overseas with the Second Division as inter- preter. He received his honorable discharge in 1919. In February of that year he went to London for postgraduate work, being among the one hundred men selected to attend the British universities. In September, 1919, he returned to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, where he established of- fices for the practice of his profession. He practices independently and has built up an extensive and lucrative clientele. Although the greater part of Mr. Grant's time and attention has been devoted to his profes- sional interests, he has also followed farming. In 1906 he took a home- stead in eastern Saskatchewan, thirty miles beyond the railroad, west of Yorkton, improved the property and cultivated it for five years, but is now leasing the land. Since attaining his majority Mr. Grant has given his political support to the Progressive party. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian denomination and he has been an usher in the local church for the past eight years. Along strictly professional lines Mr. Grant is identified with the Canadian Bar Association, the Saskatchewan Bar Association and the Saskatoon Bar Association. He is an Orangeman and an officer in the society. For recreation from his many business and professional interests Mr. Grant turns to outdoor sports, being particularly fond of tennis. Bibliography follows:

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