Dr. David Low, who is the oldest physician and surgeon in years of
continuous practice in Regina, has successfully followed his profession
here for the past third of a century. He was born in Scotland, on the
17th of December, 1868, his parents being George and Margaret (Dun-
can) Low, who were also natives of the land of hills and heather. Emi-
grating to Canada in 1871, they settled first in Quebec and subsequently
removed to Ontario, where they spent the remainder of their lives. The
father was a locomotive engineer on the Great Western Railroad. He
gave his political allegiance to the Liberal party and fraternally was
identified with the Foresters, while his religious faith was indicated by
his adherence to the Presbyterian church, in the work of which both
he and his wife took an active part. David Low was the eldest of their
family of ten children, five of whom survive. One of the sons, J. C. Low,
is an agent of the Canadian Pacific Railroad and resides in Regina, while
another son, Alexander Low, is engaged in the life insurance business at
David Low began his public school education in Palmerston, Ontario,
under A. C. Patterson, and later pursued a high school course at Harris-
ton, Ontario, while subsequently he matriculated in the Gait Collegiate
Institute and later in McGill University. Having determined upon the
practice of medicine as a life work, he completed his preparation toward
that end as a student in McGill University and passed the required ex-
amination in 1889, before he had attained his majority. The following
year he received his diploma. After his graduation he spent one year
as interne in the Montreal General Hospital and in 1890 came to Regina,
where he opened an office and has since engaged in the general practice
of medicine and surgery with excellent success. He devotes considerable
attention to constructive surgery and for eight or nine years served as
health officer. He keeps thoroughly informed concerning the most ad-
vanced methods and discoveries of the profession through his member-
ship in the Saskatchewan Medical Society, which has honored him with
its presidency, in the Dominion Medical Association and in the British
Medical Association. Besides conscientiously meeting the demands of
a large and important private practice he acts as vice president and
medical director of the Saskatchewan Life Insurance Company, as a di-
rector of the Saskatchewan General Trust Corporation and as vice presi-
dent of the Regina Brokerage & Investment Company.
In December, 1894, in Gait, Ontario, Dr. Low was united in mar-
riage to Mary Wilson Carter Todd, whose birth occurred on a farm near
Guelph and who obtained her education in the Galt Collegiate Institute
and the Brantford Ladies' College. Dr. and Mrs. Low have become par-
ents of three children: Mary Todd, who is the wife of Donnald A. Mac-
donald; David Duncan, who served as a member of a tank corps in Eng-
land during the Great war, and graduated from Saskatchewan University
with the degree of B.F.C.; and Margaret, at home.
Politically Dr. Low is a Conservative and in the year 1895 was
chosen President of the Liberal Conservative Association. He is a char-
ter member of the Regina Historical Society and for a number of years
has served as chairman of the board of managers of Knox Presbyterian
church, to which he belongs. Fraternally he is a Scottish Rite Mason,
while his appreciation for the social amenities of life is further indi-
cated by his membership in the Assiniboia Club and the Canadian Club.
Boating and hunting afford him his chief sources of recreation when
leisure permits, but nothing is allowed to interfere with the faithful per-
formance of his professional duties.
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