Ever since he came to Regina from Winnipeg in 1914, Theodore F. Conrod has been a prominent figure in insurance circles as managing di- rector of the Saskatchewan Life Insurance Company. A native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, he was born on the 13th of May, 1865, son of Theodore and Sarah A. (Leslie) Conrod. His parents, who are now deceased, were born and always lived in that province. They were Anglicans in their religious faith and the father was affiliated with the Masonic order. He was master mariner and trader by occupation, so it is only natural that his oldest son, Theodore F. Conrod, should have gone to sea at the juvenile age of twelve. The first born in a family of four children, Theodore F. Conrod received his education in the country schools near his boyhood home. His first gainful work was done on a sea-going vessel, on which he shipped when he was only twelve. After varied youthful adventures he spent his young manhood in occupations that required much traveling, and thus he saw much of the world and gained much of the world's wisdom. Mr. Conrod first came to western Canada in 1907, when his work as western superintendent for the Sun Life Insurance Company of Canada made it necessary for him to take up his residence in Winnipeg. Prior to this event, from 1901 to 1906, he had been agency director for the New York Life Insurance Company. In 1909, after two years of association with that firm, he left the Sun Life Insurance Company to accept the position of superintendent of the Great-West Life Insurance Company, with his offices at Winnipeg. In 1914 he moved to Regina to take up his new duties as managing director of the Saskatchewan Life Insurance Com- pany, with which he has since been identified. There is no angle of the insurance business with which Mr. Conrod is not thoroughly familiar, hence he is able carefully and wisely to direct the interests of his company. His sagacity is keen, his judgment sound and his enterprise unfaltering and by reason of the possession of these three important qualities he has attained a substantial success in his business. In the year 1891 Mr. Conrod was married to Miss Margaret Campbell, who was born in Sydney, Nova Scotia, and educated at the Pictou Academy. To them have been born five children: Reginald and Gerald, engaged in life insurance work in Saskatchewan; Stuart, an employe in the actuarial de- partment of the Great-West Life Insurance Company, Winnipeg; Dick, a senior at the Toronto University; and Enid Margaret, wife of Dr. E. Mounteer of Regina. The family religious affiliations are with the Angli- can church. Mr. Conrod belongs to the Assiniboia Club and the Wascana Country Club. Golf is his favorite form of recreation and much of his leisure time is spent on the links. He has become widely known during his period of residence in Regina and is thoroughly satisfied with the city, in that here he has found the opportunities that have enabled him to attain substantial success. Bibliography follows:

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