Arthur L. Bates, junior member of the prominent law firm of Makar- off & Bates, is a representative citizen of Saskatoon. He was born in Hanley, Staffordshire, England, on the 21st of May, 1894, a son of Robert and Anastasia (Lawrence) Bates, natives of England. Robert Bates studied law in early life and was a solicitor in England for some years. His death occurred in 1906. Mrs. Bates lives in Saskatoon. In the pursuit of his education Arthur L. Bates attended the public and private schools of England. In 1911 he came to Canada and located immediately in Saskatoon, where he worked with H. K. Pendlebury, customs broker, for about five years. He was then articled to C. L. Dune, a well known barrister of Saskatoon, and at the same time he attended the University of Saskatchewan, from which he was graduated with the LL. B. degree in 1917. Mr. Bates was a brilliant and popular student. For three years he held the Carswell prize and one year held the Shannon scholarship. He graduated with great distinction. On the 19th of June, 1919, he was admitted to the provincial bar and formed a partnership with Peter G. Makaroff, the firm practising under the name of Makaroff & Bates. They not only enjoy an extensive and important clientele in Saskatoon but also maintain branch offices in Colonsay and Elstow. In his political views Mr. Bates is a Liberal and he has a firm belief in the principles of that party as factors in good government. Mr. Bates is an organist of ability and for some time he has been organist at St. Thomas Presbyterian church in this city. His religious faith is that of the Anglican church. Fraternally he is identified with the Canadian Bar Association, the Saskatchewan Bar Association and the Saskatoon Bar Association. He is also a member of the Eclectic Club. For recrea- tion he turns to outdoor sports and he is an active member of the City Tennis Club. Mr. Bates is unmarried. Bibliography follows:

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