Frederick M. Logan, general manager of the Saskatchewan Coopera- tive Creamery Company, Limited, of Regina, is a representative business man of this city and one whose life record is worthy of more than pass- ing notice. He was born in Amherst, Nova Scotia, in August, 1871, a son of Isaac and Margaret (Cahill) Logan, the former a native of Nova Scotia and the latter of New Brunswick. Their marriage was celebrated in New Brunswick. Mr. Logan was a farmer and contractor and was warden of fisheries for some time. Both he and his wife died in Amherst. To them four children were born, Frederick M. being the youngest of the family. Their religious faith was that of the Baptist church and both were active in church work. The political allegiance of Mr. Logan was given to the Conservative party and he maintained an active interest in civic affairs. The public schools of Amherst, Nova Scotia, afforded Frederick M. Logan his early education and he graduated from the Ontario Agricul- tural College in 1905. He then went to British Columbia, representing the live stock branch of the Dominion government and later became an employe of the provincial government as Dairy and Live Stock Com- missioner. He remained in British Columbia six years and then located in Calgary, where he was engaged in the publishing business, editing two commercial papers. He sold his interest in the papers in 1915 and became Assistant Dairy Commissioner of Saskatchewan. Later he was promoted to the position of Commissioner and held that position until 1918, when he tendered his resignation. He then became assistant gen- eral manager of the Saskatchewan Cooperative Creamery Company, Lim- ited, and in March of the year 1923 he took over his present duties as general manager. This is one of the largest and most representative enterprises of the province. The Cooperative Creameries, Limited, has twenty-eight branches scattered throughout Saskatchewan. It is the largest creamery company in Canada and Mr. Logan has full charge and gives the business his personal attention. About one hundred persons are employed in the Regina plant. In addition to the twenty-eight branch creameries the company has seven public cold storage plants. In the year 1923 it manufactured five million pounds of butter, over two hun- dred thousand gallons of ice cream and handled a large quantity of eggs. Mr. Logan has a constant call upon his business initiative and his ability in the management of men, and is ever equal to any emergency. Although the greater part of his time and attention is devoted to his duties with his company he is interested in agricultural pursuits and owns a farm near Regina. In February, 1909, Mr. Logan was married to Miss Ida Patterson, a native of Guelph, Ontario. She received her education in the schools of her birthplace and also in the schools of Toronto, and for a time prior to her marriage she was engaged in teaching school. Mr. and Mrs. Logan are parents of three children: Eleanor, eleven years of age; Wal- ter, nine years of age; and Donald, aged seven. The religious faith of the Logan family is that of the Knox Presbyterian church. Fraternally Mr. Logan is identified with the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons, hold- ing membership in Wascana Lodge. He is vice president of the National Dairy Council of Canada and is president of the local Kiwanis Club. Mr. Logan possesses a genial nature, is appreciative of the value of friend- ship and his unfeigned cordiality has won for him many friends. Bibliography follows:

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