Numbered among the successful business men of Regina is Albert Dun- can, druggist and agriculturist. He was born on a farm in the province of Ontario, on the 20th of April, 1874, a son of James and Elizabeth (Lock- hart) Duncan, extended mention of whom may be found in the sketch of his brother, W. H. Duncan, appearing elsewhere in this work. Albert Duncan attended the Ramsey public school and the Almonte high school. Subsequently he enrolled in the Ontario College of Phar- macy and was graduated from that institution in 1899. He served an ap- prenticeship under a brother at Vankleek Hill and remained there for three years. Subsequently he removed to Merrickville, Ontario, and there opened a small drug store, which he conducted with success for a period of four years. On the 7th of May, 1903, he came to Regina and together with W. M. Rea, he opened a drug store in a little shack near the old town hall. They remained in those quarters a few months and then moved to the Strathcona block, on Scarth street. In 1905 they sold out to the Regina Pharmacy and for two years thereafter Mr. Duncan was out of business. At the termination of that time he established a drug store independently and has since conducted this enterprise. He owns his business building of two stories and his store is modern in every way. In addition to a general line of drugs he carries a full line of pianos and victrolas. He devotes a great deal of his time and attention to the store and at the same time is interested in farming, owning a fine farm in the southeast part of the province, which he continues to develop and improve. Mr. Duncan has been successful in his undertakings and well merits the position accorded him among the representative business men of the city and district. On the 18th of August, 1903, Mr. Duncan was married to Miss Jennie Jakes of Merricksville, Ontario, and to them two children were born: Kenneth, who died at the age of five years; and James Albert, nine years of age. Mrs. Duncan passed away on the 20th of May, 1915. She was a woman of much culture and refinement and was prominent in the dub and social circles of this city. She was a member of and a zealous worker in the Knox Presbyterian church, and her death brought deep sorrow to her family and many friends. Mr. Duncan is a member of the Knox Presbyterian church. Frater- nally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the United Order of Canadians. In the community interests he takes an active and helpful part, supporting the various measures that have for their objects the welfare and advancement of~the city and district. Bibliography follows:

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