One of the prominent young business men of Saskatoon is Wilfred A.
Laubach, general manager of the Star Publishing Company, (Saskatoon),
Limited, publishing the Daily Star, an evening paper, and the Phoenix,
a morning sheet. He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, a son of Frank
and Isabella (Allan) Laubach, likewise natives of that country who came
to America and located in Regina, Saskatchewan, in 1904. The father
was a musician of ability and he engaged in teaching throughout his life.
His death occurred on the 4th of March, 1923, at the age of sixty-four
years. Mrs. Laubach survives her husband and is living in Vancouver,
British Columbia.
Wilfred A. Laubach was reared and educated in Regina. After put-
ting his textbooks aside he made his initial step in newspaper circles with
the Regina Leader. He has since been connected with that sheet and since
the 1st of February, 1923, has been general manager of the Saskatoon
papers, the Daily Star and the Phoenix, published by the Star Publishing
Company, (Saskatoon), Limited. Mr. Laubach is thoroughly familiar
with the newspaper business and he is known as one of the finest news-
paper men in the district and province.
On the 1st of October, 1921, occurred the marriage of Mr. Laubach to
Miss Kathleen Rogers, a daughter of Charles Rogers, a prominent citizen
of Regina. Mrs. Laubach is a woman of culture and refinement and is
prominent in the club and social circles of this city. Mr. Laubach's relig-
ious faith is that of the Anglican church and fraternally he is identified
with the Knights of Pythias. He is a member of the Saskatoon Rotary
Club, and the Saskatoon Club, is one of the most representative and public-
spirited of Saskatoon's citizens and has many friends.
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