Frederick George Atkinson, barrister, mayor and agent of the Attor- ney-General, is one of the most substantial of Battleford's citizens. He was born in Peel county, Ontario, in September, 1874, a son of George and Jane (Glassford) Atkinson, the former born in Donegal, Ireland, in 1825, and the latter born in 1837 in County Armagh, Ireland. The father came to Canada in 1842, when a young man and located in Peel county, Ontario, and Mrs. Atkinson came to this country with her par- ents in 1844. Mr. Atkinson engaged in farming in Peel county for the greater part of his life and was warden of that county for two terms. His death occurred in 1907, at the age of eighty-two years. Mrs. Atkin- son died in 1900, when sixty-three years of age. They were prominent and highly esteemed citizens of the community in which they made their home and were influential in its continued development and improve- ment. Frederick George Atkinson grew to manhood in Peel county and there attended school. He was graduated from the high school at Orangeville and then attended the Ottawa Normal School for a time. He engaged in teaching school in Ontario for five years and in 1898 came west and taught at Bresaylor, Saskatchewan, for two years. He spent the fol- lowing year at Regina, where he attended high school and at the same time taught at Boggy Creek and was awarded the first-class professional certificate at the Regina Normal School. He then taught in Edmonton for six months and in 1901 came down the Saskatchewan river to Battle- ford, where he became principal of the schools, a position he held until 1907. In that year he took up the study of law in the office of W. W. Livingston and in 1913 he was admitted to the bar. He immediately formed a partnership with Mr. Livingston and the firm of Livingston & Atkinson is prominently known throughout the district and province. Mr. Atkinson was Local Registrar and Clerk of Court from 1909 to 1913 and for some time was acting agent of the Attorney General. In 1919 he was appointed agent of the Attorney General and is still discharging the duties of this office. Mr. Atkinson has extensive farming interests some eight miles from Battleford, which he operates under lease. In December of the year 1907 Mr. Atkinson was married to Miss Edna Clouston, a daughter of George H. and Letitia (Latimer) Clouston, the former a native of Ontario and the latter of Ottawa. For some time Mr. Clouston engaged in cabinet making in Ontario and in 1882 came to Saskatchewan, where he was homestead inspector from 1901 to 1911. Prior to taking over those duties he worked as a carpenter. In 1911 he entered the Land Titles office at Battleford as Clerk and is thus engaged at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson are parents of six children: George Manly, born on the 17th of October, 1908; Irma Letitia Jane, born on the 23d of April, 1910; Frederick Thomas and Francis Albert, twins, born on the 12th of June, 1914; William Lloyd, born on the 28th of Au- gust, 1915; and John Millar, born on the 3d of May, 1921. Mr. Atkinson has always been a Liberal in his political views and has been influential in party affairs in this city. In 1920 he was elected mayor of Battleford and is now serving his third term-evidence enough of his capability as a chief executive. For five years he was chairman of the public school board and was a member of the town council for three years. Along strictly professional lines he is connected with the Saskatchewan Bar Association and has been a member of its executive committee. He is likewise a member of the local bar association of this judicial district. Socially he is connected with the Canadian Club, is very fond of all outdoor sports, and is an enthusiastic curler. Mr. Atkin- son was reared in the faith of the Presbyterian church, but is now attend- ing the Union church in Battleford. lie was superintendent of the Pres- byterian Sunday school and Union church for eighteen years and was an elder for about the same length of time. He has also been a member of the Battleford Presbytery. Bibliography follows:

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