Dr. Clifford K. Langford is a prominent eye, ear, nose and throat specialist of Saskatoon. He was born in Kentbridge, Kent county, On- tario, on the 26th of October, 1884, a son of George and Catherine (Camp- bell) Langford, likewise natives of that province. For many years the father engaged in farming in Ontario and he also operated a general store at Kentbridge for a time. He was successful in both connections and is now living retired in Kentbridge, a highly representative citizen. Mrs. Langford died in November, 1920. In the pursuit of his education Clifford K. Langford attended the public schools of Kentbridge and later enrolled in the Collegiate Institute at Chatham. For two and one-half years thereafter he engaged in teach- ing school and at the termination of that time enrolled in the University of Toronto for the study of medicine. He was graduated from that insti- tution with the M. B. degree in 1911 and immediately went to New York, where for two years he attended the New York Post Graduate Medical Hospital. In 1913 he came to Saskatoon and began to practice in the branch of the profession in which he specialized. He has a large prac- tice and is ranked among the foremost members of his profession in the city and district. He is a constant student of his profession and has the confidence and esteem of all with whom he comes into contact. In June, 1915, Dr. Langford was married to Miss Olive Bunton, a daughter of John and Nellie Bunton, natives of Ontario. Mr. Bunton engaged in railroad work all of his life. His death occurred in 1893, and Mrs. Bunton passed away in December, 1916. Dr. and Mrs. Langford have one child: Helen E., whose birth occurred on the 26th of January, 1916. Dr. Langford gives his political allegiance to the Conservative party and he maintains an active interest in party affairs. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and he is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. Along strictly professional lines he is identified with the Dominion Medical Associa- tion, the Provincial Medical Association, the Saskatoon Academy of Medicine and the Oxford Ophthalmological Society. He attended Oxford in 1921. He was president of the general medical board here during the Great war. The Doctor is an active member of the Rotary Club and the Saskatoon Club and likewise holds membership in the Canadian Club and the Riverside Country Club. Bibliography follows:

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