George Henry McKague has had a varied and successful career and
is now engaged in business under the name of G. H. McKague & Sons,
funeral directors, located at No. 302 Third avenue, South, Saskatoon.
He was born in Drayton, county of Wellington, Ontario, on the 15th of
May, 1859, a son of Hiram and Louisa Ann (Conner) McKague, likewise
natives of that province. For many years the father engaged in farming
in Ontario but went to Manitoba in 1882, where he took up a homestead,
which he improved and on which he lived for some years. Finally, having
become financially successful as the result of his ability as an agricul-
turist, he retired from active life and moved to Winnipeg, where he
resided for a time. Subsequently he took up residence with a son at Art-
land, Saskatchewan, and was living there at the time of his death in July,
1910. Mrs. McKague passed away in Winnipeg, in August of the year1906.
In the acquirement of his education George Henry McKague attended
the public schools of Ontario and also the country schools in the vicinity
of the home farm. On becoming of age he left home and learned the flax
business. Later he learned the moulder's trade and followed that trade
for some two years. At the termination of that time he acquired a home-
stead near Harding, Manitoba, which he improved and on which he
resided for five years. During that time he brought the land to a highly
cultivated state and disposed of it at a substantial and fair profit. He
then purchased another farm in the same township and operated it for
four years. He went to Hamiota, Manitoba, and there engaged in the
dray business for a period of sixteen years. For eight years he conducted
a fuel business there and sold out, coming to Saskatoon. He drove to
Fertile Valley and there took up a section of land, which he brought to
a highly improved state. He later took a preemption and owned two
sections which he operated until he disposed of his land and returned to
Saskatoon, establishing his present undertaking business. Mr. MeKague
put in the largest opening order ever given in the province of Saskatche-
wan and in fact, throughout Canada. He sent his son, Harold G., to
Toronto, where he took a special course in embalming under R. U. Stone.
The business is conducted under the name of G. H. McKague & Sons and
in September of the year 1921 they erected a fine funeral home at the
corner of Third avenue, South, and Twentieth street. The building was
completed and ready for business on the 1st of January, 1922. This
funeral home is forty by one hundred feet, is two stories in height and
has a basement. It is one of the finest funeral homes in the entire west.
Mr. McKague and his sons, H. G. and P. L., are conducting the business
along the most modern and approved lines and their reputation for cour-
teous treatment and efficiency in handling all work has spread throughout
the whole Dominion.
On the 20th of March, 1882, Mr. McKague was married to Miss Jennie
Lee and to them seven children have been born: Percy Lee, engaged with
his father in the embalming and funeral directing business; George Nor-
man, residing in Saskatoon; Ethel Conner, living at home; Harold Gamble,
in business with his father; Florence Bell, living at home; Mabel, who
died at the age of three months; and Roy Alexander, who died at the age
of one month.
Since attaining his majority Mr. McKague has given his political alle-
giance to the Liberal party, having firm belief in the principles of that
party as factors in good government. Fraternally he is identified with
the Masons and he has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd
Fellows since 1880. He is likewise a member of the Knights of Pythias
and of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. Mr. McKague is an
active member of the Kiwanis Club, that body composed of representative
citizens, and his religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. He
is a zealous church worker and is chairman of the board of management
of the church. Mr. McKague's life has been a varied and an active one.
In every undertaking he has been successful and he stands as one of the
representative men of his day.
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