A successful barrister of Saskatoon is Robert Robinson, a member of
the firm of Cruise, Robinson & Doraty. He was born near Pilot Mound,
Manitoba, on the 13th of February, 1885, a son of William A. and Mary
Ellen (Stewart) Robinson, natives of York county, Ontario, who were
among the early pioneers of Manitoba. They went to that province in
1880, traveling from Emerson one hundred and twenty miles in a prairie
schooner, and the father homesteaded a tract of land, which he cultivated
until 1901. They then moved into Pilot Mound, where they spent the re-
mainder of their lives. The father died in July, 1919, and the mother
in March, 1923.
In the pursuit of his education Robert Robinson attended the rural
school at Dry River, Manitoba, and the high school at Pilot Mound. Sub-
sequently he enrolled in the University of Manitoba and likewise at-
tended the Normal School of that province. He engaged in teaching
from 1904 to 1907 in Manitoba. In 1908 he began the study of law, being
articled to James Balfour of Regina, with whom he remained until No-
vember, 1909, when he went to Battleford and studied with R. R. Earle
for two and one-half years. He put in his last year with W. W. Living-
ston, K. C., of Battleford. On the 11th of June, 1913, he was admitted
to the bar and opened an office in Battleford, where he practiced for three
years. At the termination of that time Mr. Robinson removed to Turtle-
ford, Saskatchewan, and in the spring of 1917 came to Saskatoon and
became a member of the present firm of Cruise, Robinson & Doraty.
On the 20th of August, 1913, Mr. Robins6n was married to Miss
Elizabeth I. Mackenzie, a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Jack) Mack-
enzie, the former a native of Nova Scotia and the latter of Ontario. Mr.
Mackenzie became an educator in early life and followed that line of
work with great success until his death, which occurred in 1893. Mrs.
Mackenzie, who survives her husband, is living in Vancouver. Mr. and
Mrs. Robinson have become parents of two children: Jerrold Mackenzie,
who was born on the 26th of February, 1915; and Margaret Elizabeth,
whose birth occurred on the 13th of April, 1918.
Since attaining his majority Mr. Robinson has given his political
allegiance to the Liberal party and he maintains an active interest in
party affairs. For some time he was president of the Liberal Associa-
tion at Turtleford. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church,
and along the line of his profession he is identified with the Saskatchewan
Bar Association and the Saskatoon Bar Association. He is an active
member of the United Order of Canadians and the Little Theatre Club,
and socially is connected with the Saskatoon Golf Club. He finds his
most pleasurable recreation in the great outdoors and is fond of all
sports, being particularly enthusiastic over golf and duck
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