A prosperous and enterprising business man of Unity is Stanley A. McDougall, vice president and manager of the Unity Lumber Company, He was born in the province of Ontario, on the 24th of April, 1886, a son of Neil and Ellen (Leeson) McDougall, natives of Ontario. The father is an old-time lumberman of the east, having followed that line of work in the early days in Ontario and Michigan. He sailed on the Great Lakes for a time and then came to Saskatchewan in 1910 and took a homestead eighteen miles northwest of Unity, which he has since operated with great success. For the past three years he has also been in the ice busi- ness in Unity. He is a highly respected and esteemed citizen and has many friends. The public schools of Ontario afforded Stanley A. McDougall his edu- cation and after putting his textbooks aside he clerked in a general store for three years. He then took over the office of wharfinger at Providence Bay, Ontario, which position he held for about four years, and in 1908 he came west to Unity, which town had been started in June of that year. He arrived here in August, after having walked sixty-four miles from Battleford, and he went to work for the Ross Lumber Company, remain- ing with them until 1911. In that year he became associated with Charles J.Lee and Edward G. Shaw of Winnipeg and they took over the plant of the Ross Lumber Company and formed the present Unity Lumber Com- pany, of which Mr. McDougall became vice president and manager. The building in which their office is located was the first structure erected in Unity and served as sleeping quarters for people coming to the town in early days. The Unity Lumber Company's growth has been remarkable and today it operates six other lumberyards under different names in this province and in Alberta and Manitoba. The company also does contract- ing and has built a number of structures in this city. Mr. McDougall possesses the genius for recognizing opportunities and he has ventured where many another man would have feared. With two other business men he erected the Auditorium Theatre here and operated it successfully for three years, when they sold it to its present owners. He also has farming interests here. In May of the year 1913, Mr. McDougall was married to Miss Ada M. Chapman and they are the parents of one child: Vernon S., whose birth occurred in March, 1921. Mr. McDougall has not been selfish in his pur- suits. He is a stanch supporter of the Conservative party and has taken an active interest in local affairs, having served on the town council for three years and is also a member of the school board. He was overseer of the village prior to its incorporation as a town. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons and is a charter member and was first master of Orange Lodge. He is likewise affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and has been through all chairs in that organization. He is a member of the local Curling Club, has managed the Baseball Club here for several years, and is also a member of the Unity Golf Club. Mr. McDougall was reared in the faith of the Anglican church, and is a con- sistent attendant at the Union church. Bibliography follows:

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