John G. Stockan, a prominent barrister and solicitor, is in charge of the Langham offices of the well known legal firm of Simpson, Gold & Stockan, who also have offices at Saskatoon and Radisson. Mr. Stockan was born in Orkney, Scotland, on the 6th of February, 1881, a son of John and Janet Halcrow (Linklater) Stockan, natives of Orkney. In 1857 the father came to Canada and was connected with the Hudson's Bay Company and the Canadian Pacific Railroad for twenty years. He was a postmaster for the Hudson's Bay Company and a member of the survey party for the Canadian Pacific Railroad. He remained in Canada until about 1877, when he returned to his native country and was active as a shipping agent there until his death on the 24th of June, 1909. His widow is making her home in Edinburgh. In the pursuit of his education John G. Stockan attended George Wat- son's College at Edinburgh and subsequently enrolled in Edinburgh Uni- versity, where he took up the study of law and qualified in January, 1904. He was in the legal business in Edinburgh until 1912, when he came to Canada and located in Langham, Saskatchewan. There he formed a partnership with W. J. Gold and the firm became Gold, Stockan & Company. In 1915 Mr. A. Simpson (extended mention of whom is made on another page of this work) was admitted to partnership and the firm name was changed to Simpson, Gold & Stockan. Mr. Stockan has remained in charge of the Langham office, while Mr. Gold is in charge at Radisson and Mr. Simpson at Saskatoon. Mr. Stockan is one of the foremost members of his profession in this community and ranks high among the barristers at the provincial bar. He has built up a large and lucrative clientele and well merits the success he has achieved. Although the greater part of his time and attention is devoted to his professional interests Mr. Stockan is interested in agricultural pursuits and owns con- siderable valuable land in this district. On the 1st of September, 1915, at Vancouver, British Columbia, Mr. Stockan was married to Miss Orpha Minnie Hamilton, a daughter of B. R. and Ida Louise (Jones) Hamilton, of Vancouver, the former a native of Ontario and the latter of Iowa. Mrs. Stockan was born in Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Stockan have two children: Ian Hamilton, who was born in Saskatoon, on the 22d of May, 1917; and Mary Louise, whose birth occurred in Vancouver on the 3d of February, 1922. Mrs. Stockan is a lady of culture and refinement and is active in the social affairs of Langham. In politics Mr. Stockan has given his allegiance to the Liberal party and the principles for which it stands. He is very active in local affairs and is president of the Liberal Association at Langham, town clerk of Langham and secretary of the local school board. He is also president of the Board of Trade and solicitor for the rural municipality of Park. He is public-spirited and has been a dominant factor in the de- velopment and improvement of the community at large. Along strictly professional lines Mr. Stockan is identified with the Canadian Bar As- sociation and the Saskatchewan Bar Association. Fraternally he is iden- tified with the Masons and is a past master of Ishpeming Lodge, No.43, and is a member of Saskatoon Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. His re- ligious faith is that of the Presbyterian church. Since taking up resi- dence in Langham Mr. Stockan has made many friends and he enjoys the confidence and esteem of all who know him. Bibliography follows:

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