Dr. Ralph Lederman is enjoying an extensive dental practice in Regina,
where he has resided since 1913. He was born in the province of Ontario,
in 1878, a son of Charles and Matilda (Bricker) Lederman, likewise na-
tives of that province. For many years the father engaged in the mercan-
tile business in Ontario and became successful. He resided in Ontario
until his death, and his widow continues to make her home there. To
them six children were born, of whom Ralph is the fourth in order of
birth. Mrs. Lederman is active in church circles, being a member of the
Methodist church, and her husband was also a zealous church worker.
Mr. Lederman gave his political allegiance to the Conservative party and
maintained an active interest in civic affairs.
In the pursuit of his education Ralph Lederman attended the district
schools of Ontario and was graduated from the high school at Kitchener.
His earliest ambition was to enter the dental profession and subsequently
he enrolled in the Dental College at Toronto, from which institution he
was graduated with the D. D. S. degree in 1899. He began practice at
Milverton, Ontario, and continued to practice there for some fourteen
years. In 1913 he came to Regina and has since resided here.
In 1910 Dr. Lederman was married to Miss Margaret McDonald, who
was born in Listowel, Ontario, where she received her education and taught
school for a number of years. To Dr. and Mrs. Lederman three children
have been born: John, eleven years of age; William, seven years of age;
and Julia, aged four. The religious faith of the Doctor is that of the Pres-
byterian church and he is a consistent attendant at the Carmichael Pres-
byterian church in this city. Fraternally he is identified with the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows and is also a Scottish Rite Mason and
past master of the blue lodge. He is a past noble grand of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows. Along strictly professional lines the Doctor is con-
nected with various dental organizations.
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