Prominent among the representative surgeons of Saskatchewan is Dr. Andrew Croll, who is specializing in surgery and gynecology at Sas katoon. He was born in Dundee, Scotland, in October, 1873, a son of William T. and Mary (Angus) Croll, likewise natives of Scotland The father entered the nursery business in early life and he was active in that line of work until his death in December, 1912. Mrs. Croll continues to reside in the old home at Dundee. The public schools of Dundee, Scotland, afforded Andrew Croll his early education and after graduating from high school he entered the University of Edinburgh, graduating from that institution with the M. D. degree in 1899. He spent several years in various hospitals in Dundee and Edinburgh and became a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh in 1911, and was connected with hospitals in London for a time. He commenced the practice of his profession in Handsworth and remained there until 1906, when he came to Canada and located at Sas- katoon, where he has since practiced. For twelve months he took post- graduate work in Berlin, Vienna and Budapest and he has continued to be a constant student of the branches of the profession in which he has specialized. He received the fellowship of the American College of Sur- geons in 1914. In 1915 he put all personal interests aside and enlisted in the Canadian army for service in the Great war. He was promoted to a captaincy and went overseas in March, 1915. He rose in rank to lieu- tenant colonel, and was in charge of the surgical work at No.2 Canadian General Hospital in France for some time. Returning to this country, he was held at Halifax for several months, being placed in charge of surgery in a large military hospital at Camp Hill. Dr. Croll received his honorable discharge in December, 1918, and immediately returned to Saskatoon and resumed his practice. He is specialist for the govern- ment in the surgical department of the Soldiers Civil Reestablishment and he handles all operations for this district. In December, 1899, Dr. Croll was married to Miss Agnes J. Last, a daughter of William Last, a native of Wakefield, Yorkshire, England. Dr. and Mrs. Croll have three children: Leslie Duncan, now attending the University of Toronto, is a graduate of the Trinity College School at Port Hope; Ian Bruce is a student at the Trinity College School at Port Hope; and Sybil Angus is attending school in London, England. Mrs. Croll is a woman. of culture and refinement and she is prominent in the club and social circles of Saskatoon. Fraternally the Doctor is iden- tified with the Masons. Along strictly professional lines he belongs to the British Medical Association, the Canadian Medical Association, the Saskatchewan Medical Association and to the Saskatoon Academy of Medicine, and is the author of several articles dealing with his specialty published in the British and Canadian Medical Journals. He was ex- aminer in anatomy for the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Sas- katchewan and at present he is examiner in surgery for the Dominion Medical Council. For five or six years Dr. Croll served on the Saskatoon City hospital board. In his political views he is independent, giving his support to the man he thinks best fitted for the office without regard to party principles. His religious faith is that of the Evangelical church. He was president of the St. Andrew's Society of Saskatoon for three years, and is an active member of the Canadian Club. For recreation the Doctor turns to the great outdoors and he is particularly fond of horseback riding, in which sport his entire family indulges. Dr. and Mrs. Croll have a beautiful home on Clarence avenue, which is called "The Rowans," and named after their Rowan trees. Bibliography follows:

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